Leon x Reader || Trapped Together

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How in the world did I get in this situation? Leon's body was positioned over top of me, the confines of the small box pressing us both closer. Our noses almost touched, and I could feel the soft warmth of his slow breaths on my face as the silence stretched into a bubble around us, leaving the wordless, uncomfortable atmosphere to envelop us entirely.

Leon's brilliant golden eyes shimmered up close, and the way I could get lost in them within a moment's notice was ridiculous. I tried to hold my breath, worried about how my face must be twisting into the most peculiar expression.

To say that my face was flushed was definitely an understatement. Why is my face heating up and my ears turning red? There wasn't any light to be seen, so perhaps that hid my reddening face. The thrilling emotion of cold anticipation poured down my gut, and the feeling was almost too much to bear.

And yet, not a word was exchanged between us.

There was no room to move even an inch, so I only froze like a deer in headlights, Leon's arms were planted on either side of where I slouched, pushed against the box's firm walls.

Frankly, I was never claustrophobic before this, but in all honesty, the containment and zero space I had to myself was a little frightening.

Leon appeared calm, if anything. That may be because I was overreacting in contrast.

Shoving me into a box with Leon wasn't Sonia's brightest idea. Maybe the famed Champion didn't think much of the odd circumstance, but I sure did. No dare should be this miserable and embarrassing, though that is the purpose of it, isn't it? At least in Sonia's scheming mind.

There couldn't be a more awkward place to be in the world. Attempting to strike up a conversation, I resort to teasing him, "You seem to like this."

Leon chuckles. "Is that what you think? Do you not like it?"

"What? Um, that's a little random, don't you think?" I mumble, not knowing how to reply to such a question.

"To me, it appears that you really despise this, huh, (Y/N)? Do you not like me?" He asks, more straightforward than I could ever manage to be in this position, with a hopeful grin on his face.

"N-not that I... don't like it or anything... I can't not love you. It's just not in me... Ack! Shoot, did I just say that?!" I slap my hand over my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut, not muttering another word. Maybe I can't be straightforward, but I can slip up and say the wrong thing.

"(Y/N). Please... say something." I don't open my eyes to his pleas.

I let out a swift breath and reluctantly met his gaze, words gushing out of me as fast as a waterfall. "I am so, so, so sorry. Oh my Arceus, Leon. Can you ever forgive me? I really don't know what I was thinking and-"


"I'm just so-!"

Before I can finish, Leon presses his lips against mine.

Shades of red seeping on my cheeks, I murmur quietly, "That was sudden..." Trailing off, I bring my fingers to my lips, stunned.

"Yeah, well... how should I say this..." Leon reaches down to run his hands through my (h/c) hair that fans out around my face like an angel's halo. "Are you really so oblivious?"

My eyes stretch wide and I don't respond. No, I wasn't oblivious... I was sure I was more than aware of my feelings for Leon, but was he referring to something else?

"Although I admit, this is a weird place to say this... (Y/N), I like you."

Left speechless, I become slightly dizzy as thoughts race in circles around me. Leon felt the same way. What were the chances?

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