Marnie x Fem! Reader || Part Two

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Author's Note:

This is the second half of the previously posted one-shot. That's all. Thanks!


"Hey, Marnie!" I call out to her across the road when I leave the lobby of Budew Inn and step out into the streets the next day.

The black-haired girl was bent down, offering something to her partner, who was a startling dark and purple shade instead of the mellow cream and yellow it normally was. "Here, Morpeko. Have a Berry." She says quietly, handing the mouse-like Pokemon a fruit, which appeared to drastically calm it down, as Morpeko's color changed back to the usual soft colors.

"Marnie?" I say once I'm at her side.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N). Why do ya look so shocked? Somethin' wrong?" She asks with a slight tilt of her head.

I bite my lip for a second while I think of a way to say it. "Um, what's up with Morpeko?"

"Morpeko's appearance? Oh, did you see all that just now?" She stands up and explains, "My partner Pokémon, Morpeko, changes appearance based on how hungry she is. The black fur you just saw was her in Hangry Mode. She gets hangry and has a real nasty temper."

"Cool!" I exclaimed, eager to learn more about the peculiar creature.

"I usually carry around Berry seeds just in case... but I ran out while walkin' around and lookin' in all the apparel shops in town. It's okay, though, because the trainer I was just talkin' to shared some of his with me!"

"Wow! How nice!"

"Yeah, he was some chap with purple hair," Marnie tells me with a shrug.

I instantly recognize the description. A nice boy with purple hair who didn't hesitate to help out someone? Sounds like the energetic boy named Hop who was from the same town I started my journey in.

"You're still hungry? I guess I've gotta go search for some Berries, then..." Marnie scoops up her partner and turns to me. "Hey, (Y/N), help me look for a bit, would you?"

"Sure, sounds fun!" I jump at the chance to spend time with a friend who'd recently grown very close to my heart.
"Glad to hear it. It'd be a great help to have someone searchin' with me. Let's get goin', then, shall we?"

It didn't take long to locate one of the large, beautiful trees that were common in Galar. After several harsh shakes, many berries fell to the ground below, and Morpeko quickly ate them happily.

"Phew. We sure gathered a lot. But I think we need just a few more..." Marnie mumbles.

I grin, "This is hard work!"

"Yeah. My legs got tired real quick, too, when I first started doin' this." Marnie laughs softly.

"I bet this is great training for us," I shout, pumping my arms in determination.

"I bet you're right. It's practically like workin' out." Marnie agrees, "It doesn't bother me anymore, though. I've been doin' this ever since I teamed up with Morpeko when I was five years old, y'know."

"Woah! How'd you catch it at such an age?" I'm genuinely curious.

"My big brother caught my Morpeko for me way back then, when all I did was cry all the time. Ever since then, Morpeko and I have always been there for each other. I still find myself doin' silly stuff like this since Morpeko can get so hangry sometimes..."

"But I bet you won't find any Trainer out there with a bond stronger than yours," I tell her encouragingly.

"Well, I guess all the Trainers here in Galar probably say the same thing, huh?" Manie sighs. "So I know I can't just rely on our bond. We've gotta keep trainin' to get stronger if we wanna beat all the other Trainers here."

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