Lillie in Wonderland AU

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It was not long ago when a girl was born into a wealthy family with the name Aether. The newborn child was named Lillie, meaning purity and innocence. Her mother, known as Lusamine, and her older brother, Gladion, could hardly contain their excitement. What would this girl grow up to accomplish for the Aether Foundation?

But . . .

Though Lillie grew to be an adorable little girl, though she learned to walk and speak, she didn't show interest in the company's business.

"All of the family displays some sort of attentiveness or regard for Aether's legacy by the time they could talk." Lusamine cruelly scoffed one day.

"There must be something, Mother," Gladion pleaded for his young sister.

And so, they waited.

Time passed, and Lillie soon grew older, learning how to read and draw. Yet she suffered under her mother's strict reasoning and force. Lillie was told to wear this dress, not that ugly thing. Participate in this education and school, not that dirty hole-in-the-wall.

Not many people could see past Lusimine's sharp, cold expression she wore to be professional. Her children, Lillie and Gladion, could. They were the ones who saw her cry out for her lost husband.

"Mohn, why have you left me?" She would sob in pure desperation, "Did you hate Aether Foundation that much? Did you dislike me that much?"

The two children at a young age would try to comfort their mother, maybe with a gesture like handing her a handkerchief or squeezing her hand. Their actions were always met with a simple, "Children, you don't need to worry about me. Now Gladion, take your sister to her room, will you?"

Sometimes though, Lusamine would fly into a rage of entire fury, taking every regret and sorrow on her children, who are still in their youth.

Lillie was receiving the worst treatment. Lillie was constantly snapped at by her mother after that, about everything from her hairstyle to her Pokemon. Lusamine would scream things like, "You're not my child wearing that! Be my Lillie! Why won't you listen to your mother? Why can you only cause me trouble?!"

This would last the whole day from the moment waking hours began to the setting sun tonight. Soon, Lusamine didn't even eat with Gladion and Lillie anymore. The last time they sat together for a meal was so long ago, and the only words spoken were from Lusamine in a monotone voice, "You'll never betray me, Lillie. And you'll never leave me, Gladion. Right, children?"

After a while, let's say years, it appeared that Lusamine had lost her sanity and went completely mad, and it was no longer safe. Alas, only one of the children could safely leave. So a decision was made. One neither of the two was happy with.

Lillie would leave, on her own. We can only hope she won't stumble into trouble.

Sure, it wasn't a cold and cloudy day when Gladion had told Lillie to flee. It was particularly sunny that day, to an extent that begged sweat down anyone's neck. The children were currently residing at a summer house. Yes, they were sent away from their mother momentarily. Anyway, they were there with their trusted butler and friend, Hobbes.

Soon, the day Lillie would depart arrived. The sun rose like any other, and it was peaceful outside.

To get rid of their butler, Gladion and Lillie left on a stroll to the edge of a nearby forest on a hill, where they spent the day together.

But Lillie was beginning to grow tired of sitting in the itchy grass and watching Gladion training his Pokemon for hours. There was nothing for Lillie to do to entertain herself, it seemed.

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