Silver x Reader || How Far You've Come

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The day that we met seems to be so far in the past, and yet I remember it like yesterday. The day that we met wasn't anything special, but it was also the day I started my Pokemon journey. The day that we met meant a lot to me, although I bet he hardly remembers it.

The day that we met... started like this.

"Bye, Mom! See you later!" I waved eagerly, already unable to contain my ear-to-ear grin as I raced out the door, feeling ready to take on the world. I wanted to hit the road running, I wanted to have my debut as a trainer be something of a spectacle.

Of course, that was the dream of anyone just starting out. The feeling of leaving behind New  Bark Town and owning my own destiny was giving me a sense of raw and untamed exhilaration, and even the fact that all I was doing was walking to the professor's lab didn't slow my break-neck pace.

I didn't even see my mother wave after me, tunnel vision was something of an obstacle I didn't have the time to remedy at the moment. Realistically speaking, there was no real reason to be in a hurry, but if you took into consideration my rivalry with Gold, maybe that'll clear things up. I'd get there first, choose my partner first, and be able to get a head start.

The walls of dense greenery and towering trees blurred past me until I skidded to a stop in front of the most unique building in the area. There was no mistaking it, this was the lab. Also, there was a sign out front that said as much.

However, before I threw open the door, something caught my eye. From behind a pair of lush bushes was a head of ruby-red hair.

A boy, likely my age, stood there, his face pressed to the glass of a window pane that looked into the laboratory. Something in his eyes seemed furious beyond words, but it was also flecked with a curiosity that was screaming to be let free.

I was about to call out to him when he began mumbling under his breath, unaware that I stood within hearing distance. "...So this is the famous Elm Pokemon Lab..." He froze, pulling his gaze away and towards me. His eyebrows immediately furrowed. "What're you staring at?" He growled, stepping away from the lab.

"N-nothing much! It wasn't my intention to bother you." I replied sheepishly, offering him a nervous smile. First impressions matter. "I'm here to talk to Professor Elm, and to get my partner. You're doing the same, I assume?"

His scowl deepened. "It's none of our business." I had no response to that, so I merely nodded awkwardly and stepped toward the building's entrance.

Trying to put that odd encounter behind me, I greeted the man who stood in the center of the laboratory, which was filled from floor to ceiling with an assortment of miss-matched bookcases crammed with volumes and volumes of studies revolving around the topic of, you guessed it, Pokemon — from their observed behavior to their typical diet and everything in between.

"Greetings. You must be (Y/N)." The professor greeted me with a warm smile, gesturing beside him to a familiar figure.

"Heya, (Y/N)!" Gold beams at me, probably smug in his victory of being the first one here, but also, the kid never stopped smiling, unlike that prickly redhead outside. "What took ya so long? I've been waiting forever!

Elm cleared his throat. "Not forever, and we both have been waiting." He corrected, sounding very half-hearted and exhausted for it was still in the early hours of morning, not even yet noon.

"You could've started without me, I guess... But thanks anyway. Where are the Pokemon we're choosing from, Professor?" I asked earnestly, my gaze already darting to the table behind him.

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