Giovanni x Fem! Reader || The Secret Revealed

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-Giovanni's POV-

Why is she standing there again?

Why does she pause her playing by the fountain every time I near her? The way her expression freezes, her smile icy with uncertainty bugs me, in some strange way. And the moment I turn my attention elsewhere, I can feel her wordless stare at my back.

There's no way that young trainer has anything to do with me.

So... why, why does she continue to bore holes at me with her unwavering (e/c) gaze?

How does she give off the impression that she's aware of something that none of the other passersby know?

Nevermind that. My frown deepens and I turn to enter the Viridian Gym where I'd only just exited. That child knows nothing about me. My organization was thriving and growing with each passing day. There was nothing to be insecure about. The takeover of Kanto was going to be a success, and absolutely no one could stop the boulder once I pushed it down the steep mountain.

And after all, it's not like I was ever going to actually interact with the girl.

She always stood apart from the crowd, hugging her Eevee close to her chest, (h/c) locks blowing gently in a sudden, chilly breeze. Not once had she approached me.

-Your POV-

It was true. Not daring to speak to the man whose brow was set firm, I was set on simply watching as he casually strolled out of the supposedly empty and abandoned building that once housed a Gym — until its leader left it one day, of course.

But if the rumors were correct — that the place really was only a shell of its former glory — then it wasn't logical for a man to reside there.

No one else noticed, it seemed.

"Come on out, Eevee," I commanded, tossing up my partner's Pokeball. The fuzzy, beige fox-like creature leaped into my waiting arms, snuggling close, crying out in glee.

We both adored the magnificent marble fountain in the center of Viridian City, with crystal clear water drizzling out of the mouth of a stone Dewgong and splashing into the shallow pool below. That is what originally attracted me to this place. While many citizens often come and go, it was frequently the most peaceful place I could find within walking distance.

Not a soul dared to bother us, as I cradle my Eevee in my arms, perching on the edge of the artificial pond surrounding the statue. Clouds covered my view of the sky today, and it looked like rain.

Hopefully, the downpour wouldn't start too soon, since I'd only just gotten here.

Unfortunately for me, luck wasn't on my side. The drizzle started only a couple of minutes later, and I had no choice but to snatch up my Eevee and run for the nearest roof because I had failed to bring my umbrella.

I was soaked by the time I'd even made it to the door.

Slipping my fingers over the cool, silver knob, I attempt to twist it and yank it open, to no avail. It was locked? Why?

When I observed where I had rushed to, I noticed that in my haste, I had gone to the Gym. The empty Gym.

Rattling the handle some more in frustration, I huffed in utter annoyance. I had just seen the man in the black outfit walk right through here.

He was so obviously inside, so why didn't he answer the door?

I hurriedly knocked on the windowless door, rain drops spatting on my shoulders, my nose, and everything in between. And while I wasn't certain the guy inside was at least a minor leader of the most wanted and sought-after operation in the region, I sincerely only wished for shelter in the rain.

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