Ash x Reader || Don't Worry About Me

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One day, you happened across Ash and Pikachu training together in the woods nearby your hometown in (fav region). As you silently walked closer to the duo, wondering what they were doing so deep into the forest, you could see the raven-haired trainer's overconfident expression as he spoke to his closest friend, Pikachu, like he knew exactly what the little the yellow mouse was thinking.

"Now listen up, Pikachu." Ash instructs, "Our strength as a team depends on the bond between human and partner Pokemon!"

Pikachu lets out a happy cry in response.

Ash nods, "So let's practice using moves together until we're more in sync than ever!"

This interests you, as your (partner Pokémon) was very special to you, but you were always far, far too timid to challenge someone to a Pokémon battle. You quietly hide behind a tree as you listen to the lighthearted conversation. That might seem weird, but you'd only met Ash once before, your mothers were friends after all, but that's it. Yet somehow, Ash's loud demeanor always caught your gaze, as it contrasted with your much quieter personality.

Ash shoots out a hand, and commands Pikachu, "Okay, ready? Let's hit that tree with all we've got! Use Thunderbolt!"

On no. The tree Ash pointed to for Pikachu to attack was the one you were behind!

In your haste to scramble out of the way, you trip on a small stone and tumble to the dirt ground. Only a moment before the electric attack, much bigger than usual, reaches within several feet of you, Ash notices you laying horrified on the ground and quickly runs to your aid.

The Thunderbolt still strikes the tree with a loud crash, shattering it into splinters that would've dug into your flesh, if Ash hadn't shielded you from the blast.

"W-whaaa!" You crawl out from underneath Ash, a look of panic and concern etching onto your face.

"Owww..." Ash groans and picks himself up, then helps you shakily stand by giving you a hand.

Pikachu races over faster than a Quick Attack, worried about its trainer. Once Pikachu came near me, it bowed its head in shame, as if attempting to apologize.

"No... it's okay, little guy." You crouch down and gently pet its fluffy head with a small, sincere smile, then glance up at Ash, who was wincing as he tried to pull out the fragments of wood stuck in his skin. "Oh my Arceus, are you okay?" You whisper nervously. "T-that was a really powerful attack."

"Oh, (Y/N)! You don't need to worry about me! I'm totally fine!" He assures you with a grin. "Pikachu has shocked me plenty of times before, so I'm used to it!"

"Pika-Pikachu~!" His partner confirms.

"Oh... If you say so," you mumble while taking a hesitant step back, worried.

"Looks like Pikachu and I may have overdone it a little, we're really sorry." Ash adjusts his red cap atop his head sheepishly.

"No. Thank you... for saving me. But, uh, shouldn't we get you to Nurse Joy? That must hurt." You're gaze narrows at the small chunks of wood in Ash's skin.

"Sure," Ash agrees, "But later, yeah? Let's get back to training, right, Pikachu? Why don't you join us, (Y/N)? I'm sure we'll have a gr-" He gets cut off by a sharp pain in his arm as he tries to raise it. "Heh heh... maybe we should go to the Pokecenter first?"

"Yes," I nod, saying this in a quiet voice.

One thing was true, everywhere you went with Ash, it was going to be an adventure!


Author's Note:

Hello! This was a request from DarkStarySkies . I hope this is what you wanted, since you said I could deal with the plot!

Anyways, the question for today is: Which gen of Ash do you like best? For me... oh gosh, that's hard. Maybe gen 8, in Galar. Well, for certain not his Alolan one, his eyes are so weird!!

Thank you for reading, and remember to vote if you enjoyed this one shot!


Word count: 685 words

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