Sakura x Reader || Stuck in Ice

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On one particularly chilly day, uncontrollable freezing gusts raced by without a single care in the world, you were traveling across the Johto region — to be more specific, you were currently strolling through the Ice Path. It was a large tunnel of, you guessed it, ice, that was used to get from Route 44 to Blackthorn City. The cave was eerie, to say the least, but not unwelcoming if you can get past the numerous ice puzzles scattered about.

If you asked anyone who made it out, they would tell you without hesitation that it was quite the overwhelming experience — and only the Trainers with real smarts could leave unscathed.

You had to reach Blackthorn City to continue your journey. To be honest, the only reason you embarked on the quest of becoming a Pokemon Trainer was a girl you met — Sakura. She was one of the Kimono Girls in the town you lived in since birth. Sakura and you were somewhat like childhood friends in a way, though she was a few measly years older than you, and left for her Pokemon adventure way before you did.

After several months of starting out on your journey, you had yet to find her, but that wasn't the main objective in your mind. Your partner was an Umbreon who shared the same dream as you even before it evolved from the Eevee it was when your parents caught it for you. You both was determined to make it to the Pokémon League.

Sakura, as a young girl, also aspired to go on a journey and had an Eevee like yours to boot.

But after you two went separate ways, you had changed. More of a timid and mild person, which contrasted with the happy-go-lucky girl Sakura was when she left. You worried more than ever now that you had advanced far into your career. You had passed through the historical town of Ecruteak City not too long ago and discovered that Sakura still had yet to return on her journey.

As you were reminiscing about those times that are far behind you, you found yourself deep inside the Ice Path. You cleared a few of the peculiar trials in the cave but soon heard a startling sound resounding from farther in the cave. Was... someone grunting in frustration?

"Hello?" You call, expecting to receive no response. Who else would possibly be in here? Another trainer? If so, you didn't want to deal with a Pokemon battle at the moment. Your Umbreon was exhausted from fighting off wild Pokemon encounters at a moment's notice.

"Me oh my... Is that you, (Y/N)?"

You rush over to a figure shivering while shakily standing in the center of the frigid cavern. Immediately recognizing two big magenta pigtails and deep blue eyes, you're quick to come to Sakua's aid, though it goes against your shy nature.

"Fancy meeting you here!" Sakura grins wide, peels of laughter soon erupting as she turns her head to face you fully, joyous at the unexpected reunion.

"Oh... hi," You reply cautiously, wondering what you heard prior to seeing the girl you'd missed for what seemed like ages.

Sakura notices your worried gaze and nervously giggles, "To tell you the truth... My sandals are frozen on the ice, and I am stuck here. In other words, my flip-flops are quick-frozen to the ground. Tee hee. Well, it's no laughing matter. Would you come around and push my back?"

"W-what?" You stammer, puzzled by the sudden and odd request. But when you glanced down at Sakura's petite feet, you noticed her traditional Japanese sandals were indeed wedged in the ice.

"Don't be so cruel. You will push my back, won't you?" Sakura pleads, with another shiver running down her arms.

"Of... of course!" You nod curtly, then slowly make your way around to behind Sakura, then lift up your arms to gently shove Sakura's slender frame, setting her free, to her infinite relief.

"You really are kind, (Y/N). Thank you so much!" She says, testing her balance and readjusting the sandals, then flashing you a grateful smile. "I wouldn't want to be stuck there much longer, you know? It's way too cold here!"

"That's true," You agree. "Are you planning on leaving now?"

Sakura thinks for a moment, then asks, "Well, where are you heading?"

"Um, Blackthorn City, to beat the gym leader there, I guess." You reply with a shrug.

"Then I'm going with you!" She cries.

"WHAT?" You shout, then bite your lip nervously.

"I originally was traveling through this cave to get back to my sisters' Dance Hall, but..." She sighs, "I still don't want to wave goodbye to the independence that I've earned from my travels away from Ecruteak City. I never fit in with my sisters' activities and training as a Kimono Girl. Being a Pokemon Trainer works better for me."

"That makes sense," You say, recalling past events where she was shunned by her sisters who were always 'better' in others' eyes.

"But hey!" She smiles, "Look at this!"

Tossing out a Pokeball, Sakura watches my astounded expression as a majestic Espeon jumps out.

"Your Eevee evolved?" You ask though the answer is clear as day.

"Yeah, it did!" Sakura says, petting the lavender fox-like Pokemon fondly.

You throw out your Umbreon's Pokeball as well, and the fellow Eevee evolution joins Sakura's partner. "Mine too!"

"Woah," She gasps gleefully, quick to hug the other fox-like Pokemon who was black as a night sky, appearing polar opposite to each other. Sakura turns to me, "Looks like we've both come very far as Trainers compared to the days when we were children, right?"

You nod sentimentally, but are jolted back to reality as the girl next to you eagerly slips to hand into yours, and exclaims, "Now come on, let's get out of this freezing place! You too, Espeon and Umbreon!"

The four of you run with Sakura out of the tunnel and into the bright light of day, Sakura's slim fingers intertwined with yours the entire time, making heat rise to your cheeks even in the cold.

After you guys had successfully excited the Ice Path, Sakura glimpses your red face and teases, "Hey, are you blushing, (Y/N)?"

"N-no! It's from the cold!" You instantly protest.

"If you say so!" She sings in a cheery voice, your hand still in hers, "Ready? Let's go to Blackthorn City!"

"Alright," You say, realizing that you've broken out of your usual shy shell thanks to this encounter, and a large smile spreads across your face, knowing that now your Pokemon Journey has gotten much better from such a simple act.



Author's Note:

Hello! Another request is complete! This one was from Vultureking98

Question: What's your favorite Eevee evolution(s)? Each Kimono Girl has one, after all. Mine are Leafeon and Sylveon!

Thank you for reading,



Word count: 1162 words

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