Leon x Reader || Misunderstanding

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As my footsteps ring against the creaking wood of the floor in tune with the ceiling fan whirring overhead, my eyes wander along with my wild imagination while the tips of my fingers graze the many glass cases that fill the room. Each held a precious symbol that defined the ambitions of many in relationships. Rings.

There were every type you could dare to imagine.

Shimmering, flecked with fragments of rainbow opal gemstones set in silver in hopes of engagements.

Sharp, dazzlingly bright diamonds laced in gold for a long-lasting and happy marriage.

Rose gold loops adorned with vibrant emeralds that reflected off the beams of sun streaming in through the windows.

Even simple rings, without any trace of overpriced crystals, were put on pedestals and placed under light and praise.

I couldn't make myself glimpse the tags proclaiming the expense, since I knew that if I did, I puke right then and there. Knowing completely well before I entered the store, I still made the sacrifice. No money or wealth would make up a good enough ring for my significant other.


Yes, the famed 'champion of champions'. In reality, though, he was a strong, sweet, and more than a little scatterbrained man whom I loved with all my heart. Sometimes, I wondered what I did to deserve such a breathtaking and spectacular guy to have as my boyfriend.

Reminding myself of my goal, I refocus on my surroundings, sweeping the shop for the perfect thing to propose.

"Can I help you with anything?"

I swiveled around to see the crinkled and wise-with-age face of an elderly woman with frizzy white hair that poofed around her jawline, though the majority of it was obscured by a wide-brimmed turquoise hat.

Smiling, I reply, "Yeah. I was looking for a ring to give to my boyfriend..."

Before I could say another word, her closed umbrella that served as a cane for the old woman whipped out to whack my shoulder lightly. "Alright, if you say so, dearie." She scowls, waving the pink and blue striped umbrella around matter-of-factly, a glint of amusement evident in her narrowed cyan eyes.

Silently laughing at the eccentric lady, I follow her to the back, as she slowly but expertly guides me through the rows and rows of glimmering rings. "What's the lucky guy like?" She doesn't turn to face me but interrogates me anyway.

"He's super famous but still makes time for me. Always compassionate, and really powerful in battle, but he'll continue to get lost in a tiny city and read any map upside down." I chuckle, imagining Leon's innocently baffled face whenever he attempts to bring me to a date spot.

She strolls down the aisle, examining each ring before continuing on to the next collection. "How long have you been going out?"

"For over a year, I think."

"Eye color?"

"Uh, a hazel-ish gold," I responded. She was quite the character, but her badge indicated that she owned the jewelry store, and I best rely on her judgment.

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