Leon x Mute! Reader || Silent Admirer

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"It probably goes without saying, but... hello, Galar! I'm your Champion, Leon!"

The roaring of the crowd suffocated me, but just the glimpse of his face below kept my spirits soaring. There he stood, arms spread wide, a broad grin gracing his tan face, and his audience all screaming his name.

Gazing across Wyndon Stadium, I can clearly see his thousands of fans cheering their hearts out for him. I always knew that I wasn't alone in adorning Galar's one and only, but now that he was an unbeatable champion, he'd grown in popularity more than tenfold.

I cast a wary look at Sonia, whose aquamarine eyes were glued to me, worry evident in her fidgety demeanor. "Was it a mistake to bring you-?" She notices my hostile look at stops.

I furiously shake my head to deny it with a firm frown.

"If you're sure." Sonia sweeps the stadium again, coming to the same conclusion I had. While it was true that Sonia and I had been close friends with Leon since childhood, some of his admirers were very loud about their adoration for the champion.

I've had a crush on Leon dating back as far as my memory stretches. Obviously, I wasn't the only one who loved Leon, so I had let the feelings for him stay at the back of my mind. Sonia, who is painfully aware of my crush, invited me to one of his battles. This match was to be like no other. A challenger by the name of Victor had collected all of the Gym Badges in the region, and he had made it to this tournament.

People speculated that he might be the one to finally break Leon's winning streak.

I turned back to the battleground as Leon's voice filled the arena once more. "The chairman is tied up with some business, so I hope no one minds me stepping in on his behalf in order to lead you all to greater heights as Pokémon Trainers of the Galar region!"

His raw enthusiasm had always attracted me. I wasn't the most talkative person and wasn't into Pokemon battling like Leon and Sonia were as kids. I was content to stay on the sidelines, wishing them good luck.
"The time has come for you to battle it out until only the greatest challenger remains! So, on behalf of the chairman, allow me to say..." Leon strikes a pose, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers again. After a brief moment, when the shouts died down, he continued, "Let the annual tournament begin!"

The overwhelming noise of his fans downed me beneath the waves of their excessively ecstatic cries. Sometimes I wish I could scream and rejoice as they did.

I had kept the idea that speaking wasn't really needed close to my heart. I didn't want to rely so heavily on words to convey my emotions. Leon always understood my silence, though.

Even when in the heat of a battle, he saw my support always beside him, even when I didn't dare utter a syllable. All of this unending din was making my palms sweat and the feeling of being small crushed me beneath their enthusiasm.

Anxiously, I watched each fight. Soon, the quarter-finals flew by. Then, it wasn't long before the semifinals raced past as well.

At long last, the winner arose. It was Victor, the rising star of a Gym Challenger. He wore his white striped uniform, labeled with the number 227, proudly as he entered the ring. From the sound of it, he had a portion of fans to call his own as well.

Although, I had full confidence that Leon could beat him. Victor looked no older than ten, after all. The boy likely didn't have the amount of experience needed to best Leon's skills and talent he worked so hard to build.

When Leon stepped back into the stadium, donning his famous red cape and sports cap, the champion called out to his opponent. "The tense, still air on the pitch... And the exact opposite from the audience, cheering and yelling... They're both fantastic, wouldn't you say?"

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