Allister x Reader || Hiding

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Scrolling down, I drag my disinterested gaze as it lazily watches my feed give me whatever I desire. I play with my (h/l) hair, dully staring at the screen, pushing past fanart and memes, bored out of my mind. On the couch, fanning myself from the hot, late-summer temperatures, I sat slouched against the squishy cushions.

School started earlier this month, and -- just like last year -- I was completely ignored by my fellow students.

I certainly wasn't doing anything wrong.

Was I too plain? My hair too bland? Face just far too forgettable?

Only Arceus knows.

After clicking on a video on my phone, I perk up. "Oh, what a cute hairstyle! I wonder If I could do that with my hair... hmm." I slowly finger the ends of my (h/c) locks, deep in thought. "Ah!"

I urgently glanced down at the screen, but it was blank.

"Ugh, it just had to die right now?" I groan, discarding my phone and walking over to the bathroom.

I can recall there being scissors in here... somewhere. After rummaging in the cupboards and colorful plastic baskets filled with various unused toiletry items, I emerged successful. Gleaming silver scissors in hand, I stand up and look right at the shining mirror, lifting up a strand and raising the double blades.

The swift sniping noise cuts through the still air, and a piece of hair falls to the ground.

"I probably should do this over the trash can." I sweatdrop, then hastily drag the small bin that was in the far corner underneath my head, where I daintily brought the scissors to my hair once again. More and more of my hair is gone, and within minutes, my hair is cut just above my chin.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!" A shout rings throughout the house.

That wasn't a good sign. Shoving the scissors into the cabinet underneath the sink and kicking the garbage canister to the side, I call back, "Yeah?"

The door slams open, revealing my mom. When she sees me, a hand cups her mouth, stifling a horrified gasp. "You cut your hair?"

"Uh, er, yeah? I... I did," I reluctantly muttered, hanging my head, eyes downcast.

"Hey, dear?" My mom leans out of the room to holler, "Come here, will you?"

Once my dad came in too, I got an earful of scolding, though my parents were mostly just astonished, and let me go without any punishment since I hadn't really done any harm to anything. I didn't really regret doing it. Even though I wish my hair was a bit longer, you know, to maybe get some attention or whatnot...

"(Longer? I'll give you longer -- and fame to boot!)" A high, childish voice chirps, though no one else is in sight.

"Hello?" I whip my head around, wearily scanning the walls of my room.

"(If that is what you want, I shall make it happen, as Jirachi, the one and only fabulous wish maker!)" The shrill voice cries with a gleeful giggle at the end. Jirachi... the Mythical Pokemon from the Hoenn region? Why in the world was it here in Galar?


"(Now, sleep!)"

Those were the last words I remember before falling onto my mattress and passing out for the night.

Sunlight stealthily flitted past my (f/c) curtains and onto my face. When I sit up and glimpse the dawn's bright glow, I'm drowning in my hair. I scramble around until I topple off my bed, tangled in its monstrous length. It cascaded down my back and over my shoulders all of the way down to the floor even when I stood on tiptoes.

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