Red x Childhood Friend! Reader || More Than Silence

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"I miss him." I whisper to myself while petting my partner Eevee in my lap.

I haven't seen him since I was a young child starting out with a Pokémon from Professor Oak, Eevee. Red and I haven't seen each other in years. I miss the communication that goes beyond the quiet gaze of my childhood friend, Red. There was an unbreakable bond between us, I'm sure. Even if it's most likely faded in the years when the distance of our Pokémon's levels increased. While my Eevee still hasn't evolved, Red has gone and become the champion of the Kanto region.

I sigh and stare out the window at the pale blue sky, remembering good times before Red left on his journey through the region. I have his number. I could text him if I were brave enough.

But I fear we've grown apart.

Nah. I'll text him.

'I miss you' I quickly type the small phrase, and send it without a second thought.

It's a simple text, but I don't think I can put into words how much the days of silent communication filled out gleeful days as children. It was more than silence.

I gasp in innocent surprise at the fast response from Red. It was honestly not what I expected. I hadn't seen him in years... and then he replies, "Look out the window, I'm right here."

Oh my Arceus. Do I look out the window? Of course I do! Slamming the window up, I stick my head out, and since I'm on the second floor I shout, perhaps a little too loudly, "I'll be there in a moment, Red-kun!"

Putting Eevee in her Pokeball, I fling the door open, ignore my parents' stares, and race over to the boy I recognize immediately.


Without thinking I run up and jump into his arms, a smile gracing my face. I realize that Red has never been a touchy person, and I glance up at him in concern, but he returns my happy face. I hug him tighter, then step back from the embrace.

"I'm so glad to see you, Red-kun," I whisper. His expression tells me that he feels the same, but also to drop the honorific, which makes me grin wider. "But, you're admired more now than ever. Seeing as you're Kanto's champion."

He nods along but doesn't seem to be particularly fond of the title.

"Don't worry, you're still Red to me." His eyes brighten when I say this, which makes me even happier, if possible.

I look him up and down, taking in his usual attire, a red jacket and plain black shirt with blue pants. He holds my stare. I can't help but giggle, remembering old times. Red tilts his head ever so slightly in confusion.

"Oh," I grin wickedly, staring far off into the cloudless blue sky, "Remember that one time when you were embarking on your journey. You know, when we..."

Red's face suddenly became warm, and I noticed. "... ... ! ...!" He waves his hand in front of him frantically, clearly desperate for me to stop.

"Well, I was seeing you off..." I glance at Red, whose face is getting warmer by the second. His entire panicking expression said, 'stop it, (Y/N)!'.

"And just as you turned to leave after my last goodbye," Our eyes met, and I opened my mouth for the last moment, I saw Red.
"We kissed,"


Author's Note:

The question for today: Who is your favorite champion? Mine would have to be Red and Leon, but Cynthia and Iris are cool too. Then again, I could technically say me since I've beaten numerous Pokemon games, he he!

Hope you liked it, though it's a tad bit on the short side. Thanks so much for reading!


Word count: 633 words

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