Modern Pokegirl AU || Hiccups

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"So what's the plan for summer vacation?" Misty asks her friends while munching on her food at her lunch table, "Should we go to Lillie's summer house again?"

Serena, Hilda, Lillie, and Misty were chatting while eating on an average school day.

"That's fine with me." Lillie smiles.

"It's nice and pretty there, and really relaxing." Hilda pauses then adds, "And free!"

Misty says, "Well if we go there again..." She trails off when she notices Serena eating a very bright red croquette, "What's in that thing? It looks violently red."

"It's a flaming-hot chili croquette," She explains.

"You can't get enough of spicy food, can you?" Misty laughs, "Hilda can't handle spice at all!"

Hilda waves her hands, "Nope. No way."

Serena thinks for a moment. Then she smirks, "Want a bite?"

"HUUUH?" Hilda protests, "I was just saying how I don't like spicy food!"

Serena plasters a fake smile on her face and holds up her dish, "C'mon, it's not hot at all!"

"You just said it was 'flaming-hot'" Hilda furrowed her eyebrows.

"Try it!"

"Well, all right. Just a bit though." Hilda relents, and grabs a piece, not even hesitating to put it in her mouth.

She suddenly shrieks, dread filling her face.

Serena bursts out laughing, her face turning red and tears forming, "Look at Hilda's face! Ha ha ha ha ha!!"

"A-are you okay?" Asks Lillie.

"AAAH!! AAAH!! Water! Water!" Hilda screams.

After Hilda got her water, Serena sits back and says, "Ahhh... That was funny."

"No. That was cruel." Mumbles Lillie in concern.

Misty points her finger at Serena, "I think her sense of taste is all goofy."

"That was a very mean thing to do. I thought I was gonna die." Hilda frowns... Then, "Hic."

"Huh...?" Hilda's three friends wonder.

"Hic. Hic. Hic."

Serena stands up and puts her hands on her hips, "Now you've got the hiccups? It's just one thing after another with you."

"Oh nooooo... I can't stop!" Hilda says, cupping her hand over her mouth with another, "Hic."

Lillie frantically tries to come up with an excuse, "It must be because you are that spicy food! That usually gives me the hiccups."

"Hic. Oh, is that why I've got them?" Hilda asks, "Wait. Who cares why I got them? Hic. How do I stop?"

Misty says, "A good drink of water should do that."

The four of them head off to the school's vending machine, and Hilda asks, "Can it be fruit juice instead?"

"Why the heck not? I bet a carbonated drink would work wonders!" Misty replies.

"No, no." Hilda responds, "Those hurt my throat."

Soon, Hilda has a cup in hand. She pours it down her throat with a few gulps. After a moment, "...... Hic. Hic."

Misty frowns in determination, "Tough little buggers, aren't they?"

Lillie says, "I've heard you should drink while holding your nose."

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