Leon x Reader || Barbecue and Love

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"So, this is my room," Hop explains, gesturing inside.

While I had been to Hop's house numerous times before, I'd hardly ever been inside. The energetic, purple-haired boy's bedroom was simple, decorated with posters of impressive Pokemon and stickers with famous icons of the Galar region. His worn television was on the back wall, battered by the age and use it'd gone through -- it was where Hop watched all of his older brother's matches.

"It's just like you," I note, walking in and comfortably taking a seat on the green rug spread out on his floor.

To clarify the reason I was here, today was Hop's family's traditional and annual barbecue cookout, where they invite everyone in the area to a casual dinner party with plenty of food to stuff yourselves on. While the hamburger steaks were being grilled, Hop decided to show me around his house.

Afterward, we settled in his room, deciding to chat about Pokemon -- from the region's Gym Leaders to future partners to places we'd like to visit one day. "So... What do you think of Lee?" Hop asks out of the blue, going in the opposite direction I thought the conversation was going.

"Huh?" I frown, baffled at the random question. "What about him?"

"Sonia may have hinted that you had a thing for him... I dunno," Hop shrugs, and I try to wave off the peculiar idea-- and miserably fail.

To be completely honest with myself, I was fond of Leon... maybe a bit more than I was comfortable admitting. But this was just Hop, right? I could probably trust him to know about what I reluctantly labeled a foolish crush. "Frankly... yes. Sonia was correct. Leon means a lot to me, and I do have feelings for him."

"And? Why not tell him? I bet Lee would be happy!" Hop raises a good point, alas... I was hesitant. "Lee is so amazing, and has such strong Pokemon! Even I admire him!"

"Um, well, why would Leon settle for someone like me? He... he's got everyone around him absolutely enamored with his status of galar's only Champion, so what reason would he have to like me; I'm just another trainer he endorsed, along with you." I exhale, then continue, grateful for Hop's patient silence. "It would obliterate the fragile friendship I've carefully built between us."

Before Hop could reply, the door behind me opened, and I flinched, thoughts freezing in place.

"Barbecue's ready, kiddos," Raihan announces, hands stuffed in his sweatshirt pockets — Leon at his heels.

Instantly springing to my feet, I noticed a tight smile on Leon's face but decided to say nothing. Instead, I followed the two elite trainers downstairs and out the door to the front lawn, where our moms were gossiping while expertly cooking the food.

"This looks incredible!" Hop exclaims, rushing over to snatch up a plate and pile it high with the steaming meal.

"It does," I nod, smiling along with the boy, also selecting some foods off the buffet and sitting down at the wooden picnic table off to the side.

Raihan and Leon also serve themselves, along with the parents. To my surprise, Leon sat directly across from where I was — and then I realized that it was the only spot left available. Whether everyone else was planning that or not, it left my cheeks a bright flush of pink throughout the entire time, until I excused myself from the table, still quite red in the face, to let out my partner Pokemon, Raboot.

The rabbit-looking creature was quiet and reserved, and just recently evolved from its previous form, Scorbunny. The rather athletic Pokemon leaped out of its Pokeball happily, immensely relieved to be released from its capsule. I pet its head and feed it some leftovers, which it accepts gleefully.

"I'm glad to see you like it," I say in a low tone, watching intently as my Pokemon scarfed down the meal.

"Raboot!" It shouts, satisfaction shimmering in its ruby eyes.

It's not long before dusk settles down, bringing the sun down with it — and the pleasant evening comes to a close. My mom had left earlier, so it was only me on the stroll back to my house.

But just as I was going to wave my last goodbye and turn to leave, Leon speaks up, quickly making it to my side. "Can I walk you home?"

"Leon, I live just down the road-"

Something in his glimmering golden eyes made me pause, and when he only replied with a calm smile, we began the trek to my house. Leon's strides were much longer than mine, but he made sure I didn't need to run to catch up.

Going at a deliberate pace, we strolled in silence, a blush creeping into my face.

Hoping to ease the uncomfortable tension, Leon strikes up a conversation. "(Y/N), I have to admit something. I overheard some of your discussion with my little brother earlier..."

"How much did you hear?" I ask, skeptical and on edge.

"Just the part about me thinking you were a nobody to me — which isn't true, by the way." Leon doesn't stop there. "(Y/N), there is no one else in the world that he would rather be with. I sincerely think you're the most beautiful person in the world."

My jaw drops, and I give him a wide-eyed stare in disbelief.

He continues in a softer tone, "I like you, (Y/N)."

"Y-you... you like m-me?!" I sputter, gaze locked in his. Leon showed no signs of lying, which startled me further. "Well, you already know how I feel, but I would like to tell you face-to-face."

My pace slows to a stop, and Leon turns to face me, slightly confused at my sudden pause.

"I like you too, Leon!"

The silence is almost deafening, with the twilight sky coating the horizon and dimming the atmosphere. A whole minute seems to pass in my mind, though I know that in reality, it was only mere seconds that ticked by as slowly as a snail.

I was about to say something more, but Leon leaped forward and crushed me in a hug. "Holy Arceus!" He cries. "I'm so glad!"

"So, are we an official couple now...?" I ask tentatively, wrapping my arms around him, and accepting the embrace.

Leon nods into my shoulder, and I soak in the pure serenity, taking in the lovely ending, all because of a barbecue party.


Author's Note:

Requested by Aneko_Kenna

Here's to (as of right now) 1111 views! Thank you, my readers!

Today's question: Which is your favorite Galarian starter? I selected Sobble at first, then — when I replayed Sword — I chose Scorbunny!

See you later,

Word count: 1131


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