Red x Reader || Falling for His Words

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This one-shot is based on the tale of Cyrano De Bergerac. If you're not familiar with the story, then this may not make a whole lot of sense for a bit, but trust my writing, I'll do my best to explain what gaps you might have when reading. Thank you!

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-Red's POV-

(Y/N) was a rival, not unlike Blue or Leaf. I didn't think much of our frequent encounters on the streets of places from Pewter City to Cinnabar Island and on the roads going from place to place. We were both always looking for a new challenge, a new battle... as were many other Pokemon Trainers our age.

When we both stood before the famed Kanto League, both breathless with adrenaline, I don't think either of us realized that after the Elite Four, the prominent Champion's title was right there at our fingertips.

It took even longer for us to find out that the final boss of our journeys was... each other.

And with that thought in mind, (Y/N), without any trace of hesitation, forfeited. Sure, it shocked me; she was always just as raring to go as I was, albeit a lot louder about it. But when it came between me or her, she didn't waste a moment throwing down her chance at becoming Kanto's one and only strongest Trainer, the Champion.

That look in her eyes will always be burned into my memory, her (e/c) eyes glimmering as she walked away, and I was whisked away to the throne in a daze.

We didn't speak for another long stretch of time, but once she was gone, I realized how close we had gotten when traveling the region. She never came to challenge me anymore, and that's when I realized that I missed her. Her easy laughter, her eager smile, everything.

I knew I had no chance with her romantically, but there was something inside me that wanted her to still be at my side always. I hardly opened my mouth to speak in years, and I'm nowhere near as attractive as Blue, who always had a way with women.

That's when an idea hit me. While I was visiting home, Pallet Town, I sat in my old bedroom in the small cabin my mother owned and stared dully out of the window, mulling over these thoughts.

My idea was simple, but complex as well. Blue, with his smooth voice and charm, could easily pick up any girl of his desire, he could worm into their hearts with stunning ease. There were so many things I wanted to tell (Y/N), but couldn't over our time together.

If I had Blue tell her instead, since I'm certain I could never get the syllables to leave my lips, then I'd still be satisfied with her receiving my message, even though she'd never know it was me.

Sitting at my desk, I quickly pulled out some stationery — the set my mom had bought me years ago in a futile attempt to get me to write to my father — and began to think of my first words. I'd always been fond of writing over speaking, as it was so, so much easier to express myself on paper, I'd even say countless times over.

Dear Blue,
We haven't spoken since I became Kanto's Champion, and I'm sure you'll find this request peculiar, to say the least, but I'd like you to reach out to (Y/N). You two are both very sociable, I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
As you likely suspected, over our journeys as a trio, I'd fallen for (Y/N). As you also know, I'll never be able to tell her. In my place, I'd like you to tell her everything I am not able to.
You may refuse, if you'd like.
But if you'd be alright with this, I believe your charisma and my way with words would do it. Once I receive your reply, I'd like to give you things I want to tell her. Also, don't let (Y/N) it's me.
Thank you,

-Your POV-

"A... date?" I asked, incredulous. Blue always had a hoard of girls around his finger, but never made moves on me — either out of respect for our friendly rivalry, or he was scared of Leaf, my closest friend, who didn't approve of him one bit. "Wait, wait. You're actually asking me out on a date?"

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