Ethan x Reader || Camping

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Going camping with Ethan was something I've been looking forward to for weeks now. But when I told my childhood friend that I'd be delighted to go with him, I did not think that gathering firewood and hiking up multiple bluffs were on the main agenda.

I understand that Ethan loved the outdoors ever since we were kids back in New Bark Town. Alas, I had now found myself terribly lost. I'd told Ethan I'd find some twigs or whatever for his bonfire, but I hadn't expected to discover that the woods he'd dragged me to was a labyrinth.

What made the situation worse was that I'd left my Pokemon team back in the tent and it was nearing dinner time. My stomach growled about a dozen times every five minutes, a constant reminder that I didn't know what mushrooms were deadly or poisonous or something and I couldn't find anything normal to eat. Soon, I'd be forced to chew on the small branches and leaves I found on the forest floor in order to stay alive.

"Ethan...?" I call out, feeling utterly pathetic.

Arceus, I should've brought him with me. I was only trying to find some firewood, but... Ethan was such a survivalist and loved adventure more than anything. He could've found his way by now, no problem.

Now at my last straw, I hug the tree branches I'd gathered close to my chest, and squeeze my eyes shut, ready to let out an ear-splitting scream that would reach everyone's ears within a ten-mile radius. Before I could do that, however, another voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, hey there, (Y/N)!"

Immediately, I spun around and met the calm slate-gray eyes that belonged to Ethan. I said the first thing that came to mind. "I'm... so... hungry..."

"Yikes! Are you okay?! You must have gotten lost." He takes the bundle of sticks from me and offers a warm smile. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll whip up something to eat! Haha! Luckily, there were a lot of edible Berries and such near the camp!"

We began walking in the opposite direction I was going in, and I trailed at Ethan's heels, listening to him continuing to chat merrily like all was right in the world.

"Apparently, it's not against the rules to pick food like this on this campsite! How great is that? Of course, taking too much is just bad manners!" Ethan explains earnestly as I follow him.

"Wow, you really are quite the outdoor expert," I note in awe.

"Aw, shucks... You think so?" He grins sheepishly, laughing a bit like it had never occurred to him.

"Of course. Have you heard yourself? You practically could thrive out here better than the cities." I muse quietly to myself. Just as I was going to ask how long it would take to walk there, my stomach growled loud enough for both him and me to hear. Red in the face, I avoid his gaze.

Ethan pauses. "Guess you are starving. Should we eat now?"

"Huh?" I cock my head. "But the food is at the campsite...?"

He shrugs off his backpack and takes out the continents, quickly lifting his hand to offer me a small pile of vibrantly colorful fruits of all sorts with some mushrooms in the mix. "Anyway, dig in!" He urges.

"...Do we have to eat them raw?" I take a step back, eyeing his barbaric meal with distaste.

"A little uneasy eating them like this? All right! Then I'll show you my favorite cooking method! Roasting these ingredients on Cyndaquil's back cooks them perfectly!"

I narrowed my eyes at his enthusiasm which seemed limitless, like he'd never ever run out. "I guess...?"

Ethan lets out another laugh at my uncertain expression. "Not only is Cyndaquil great in a Pokémon battle... I can cook food on his back, and he lights the way when it's dark! Isn't that right, Cyndaquil?" He tosses out a Poke Ball and the small Fire-Type creature.

Cyndaquil turns to me with a shrill cry of happiness upon recognition. I reach down to pet him cautiously, careful not to touch the flames rising on the arch of his back. "Woah, he's the whole camping experience – with legs!"

"You bet!" Ethan nods, then takes a knee. "Now, let's put these on the fire!" He stabs the Berries on a stick that he — for some reason — had on hand and holds them above Cyndaquil's fire. Within a few moments, they were cooked perfectly. "I think we're good to go!" Ethan says, handing me the makeshift skewer.

Hesitantly, I pluck one of the Berries off and toss it into my open mouth. After a brief second of clewing, I gasped in delight. "Mmm, perfect! Thank you, Ethan, Cyndaquil!" I exclaim.

Ethan took a bite of one of the mushrooms, and his eyes lit up similarly. "Here, try this mushroom! Freshly picked and freshly cooked."

"Sure! I'm so hungry, I'd eat anything you gave me right now." I wasn't super fond of mushrooms, but to tell the truth, any food was food I'd savor. I instantly eat the mushroom, actually enjoying the unique taste.

"It's good, though, isn't it?" Ethan needles, watching as I reached for another. I nod, mouth crammed with food, and he takes that as success. "Let's throw some more stuff on the fire!" He pumps his arms, skewering more fruit and roasting them promptly after. As I'm finishing my meal, he starts eagerly gobbling up the next. "What a big mushroom! And that texture is fantastic!"

"I know right?" I lean back, satisfied and stuffed. "But now that we're full, we should get back to the tent. I trust you know the way?"

Ethan swallows the last mouth full. "Of course! We know the way back perfectly, no worries! It's just down the hill from here. Hmm, but it looks like it might get dark on the way back... Although, with Cyndaquil providing light, we should be able to navigate the forest just fine!" He lifts Cyndaquil into his arms with a grin. "You just keep saving the day, don't you, buddy!"

I smile at their clear bond, then follow as Ethan begins to lead the way out of this maze of a forest.

Not glancing my way, Ethan speaks in a soft tone, "As long as you have the right knowledge and friends, adventures out in the wild can be really fun! It's really rewarding to explore Johto... Maybe we can go exploring together again some time!"

"Maybe..." I recall testing up in the middle of a forest, alone and hungry. Not my preferred activity.

"Sometimes when I'm exploring the island I come across sights that take my breath away! Like, literally, I choke up!" He admits, chuckling.

I jump. "Wait, really?"

"Really! Whenever I see something like that, it doesn't matter how tired I am from exploring! I'm full of energy again!" Ethan pauses to think for a fleeting moment. "Seeing all the best views in Johto... That might be a pretty good goal, too, besides trying to become Champion! Would you... want to come with me?"

I slip my hand into his and squeeze it reassuringly. "I'll be by your side the whole time!"


Author's Note:

Request by pkmn-champion-rue

Sorry if this oneshot was a bit shorter than usual! I didn't have much to go off of, other than a vague camping idea I'd had in the back of my mind for a while now. And also, no offense, but seeing as Ethan is a playable character, that sucks out most of his personality.

Anyway, here's today's question: Do you have a location in the Pokemon world that you'd like to camp at? I'd want to go to Floaroma Town's Floaroma Meadow in the Sinnoh region, to bathe in the flower fields there and soak in the never-ending sun.

See you,

Word count: 1325 words


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