Ortega x Reader || What You See

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If anyone asked, I would say that Ortega was a friend. But while the definition of friendship could be twisted and tweaked in some minds, to me, he wasn't the one to whom you confide everything, who you trusted with anything.

In short, that would be because no one fits the bill. No one in this entire academy knew everything about me. They knew what I showed on the outside, a straight-A student who loved photography and was quick to flash an easy smile. That was all.

As much as I valued Ortega at my side since good grades don't get you many friends, there was still a part of me that knew he could only see me for my forever happy facade.

There were times when he'd surprise me by asking if I was alright, to which I gave him a quick laugh and waved his concern off. I was the most average student I could be, with quaint hobbies, an easy-going attitude, and most of all, a people-pleasing personality. He didn't know. Likely would never know.

I assumed that was the way I'd live out my life, completely undisturbed about a home life I despised and the stress I placed on myself. I didn't mind being a malleable thing for others. If they wanted someone more than me, just let them have it. Besides, no one wants to hear a sob story from me. I had problems too, not that anyone really cared to ask.

Not that anyone really noticed.

It was a habit now, covering up everything with a sweet smile. As they say, grin and bear it. Maybe you'll make it.

Ortega's short-tempered tendencies and insensitivity to others would not bode well if I were to one day slip and tell him. He was one of the few that didn't see me through a filtered gaze, though. While he was unaware of my own issues, I always knew that he wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Or so I thought.

As second years, we continued to attend Paldea's prestigious and most impressive schooling system, filled with curious minds and talented rising stars. Alas, just as anywhere else, bullying could be found here as well.

I wasn't a target of peer cruelty, but Ortega was. I told the director about it once. Nothing changed. Afterward, I saw less and less of Ortega but then discovered that he had joined a team of outcasts and misfits called Team Star.

The only thought I could process was that he didn't tell me. And Ortega told me everything. He was so open to me, it made me feel guilty that I wasn't the same.

"Hey, Ortega. Do you have a moment?" I asked, masking the dread that clutched my heart with an upbeat tone of voice. "I have a question for you if you don't mind."

The pale-pink-haired male turned to meet me, caught off guard. "Uh, sure. What's up?"

"You joined Team Star, right?" My voice dropped lower a bit and my gaze slid away from him, my smile now faltering a bit. "Don't deny it. You're building things for them, no? You're very passionate about engineering anyway..."

Ortega paused, eyes narrowing. "What of it?" I didn't mean to offend him, but things were already going sour, it seemed.

I took a breath. "Why didn't you tell me?"

That threw him off his game even more, although that wasn't my intention. When he hesitated, I braced for the worst-case scenario, but then he replied, "I didn't think you'd want to be associated with... them. You're a top student, and overall more respected than anyone there. Besides, you..." He trailed off, swallowing words I wasn't sure I wanted to hear.

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