Will x Reader || Our Future

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At the edge of my mind, something was nagging at me. It wasn't an oh-I-forgot-to-buy-something kind of worry, and no, it wasn't quite a why-doesn't-that-one-guy-love-me sort of persistent thought. It was like something was just out of reach, or at the edge of my vision — but whenever I spun around, eyes darting in search of something or someone poking fun behind my back, I'm met with silence.

In a futile attempt to shake off whatever needling ideas that kept pecking at me, I decided to go shopping.

Although it was true that I didn't need any items — I was stocked up on both Potions and Poke balls — something drew me further into the city, casually window shopping, without a care in the word.

Time passed slowly, creeping by on tiptoes, and still, I felt like there was a voice calling me.

Though, it certainly wasn't in this town.

Swiveling around, I briskly walk down the street and exit the city walls, facing a lush and thick forest that appeared almost impossible to pass without getting miserably tangled in its dark, olive-green depths.

Nevertheless, I shove past fragile ferns and berry bushes, set on my task — uncovering who in the world was messing with my head. And my suspicions were confirmed shortly, as I observed my surroundings, completely and utterly lost underneath a canopy of tree branches, and a precise, masculine voice spoke.

"Yes, you. Come over here,"

When I whipped around frantically with arched eyebrows, I didn't find a soul, though the male's words were loud enough to be heard clearly in the dense woods. "Where are you?" I ask, incredulous.

I'm met with the disappointing response of a small chirping bird Pokemon overhead. My question had fallen on deaf ears, it seemed.

Then, just as it had before, the gentle tug on my mind twirled me In the right direction, and I was off once again, crushing delicate plants below my feet as I stomped through the overgrown woodland, in search of the voice I heard — attempting to convince myself that I wasn't crazy for being here in the first place.

After thrashing around in circles, I finally broke past the permit of the forest and into a field of wispy grasses that reached past my knees. Wading through the tall grass, I quicken my pace when I notice a man in the near distance, back facing me and chatting with their partner Pokemon, a green psychic-type owl called Xatu.

Wordless trampling through the meadow, I approach the guy — taking in his startlingly purple hair and formal attire as grass brushes against my legs and trips me up while I stumble closer to the figure.

"All according to plan..." he chuckles in a low tone, still not facing me, but within hearing distance.

There were still a few meters to go, so I reached out a hand, saying softly, "I felt like someone was calling out to me... was that you?"

He turns around, a pleasant smile easily taking place on his face — but I couldn't quite tell what he really felt, as the top part of his face was obscured by a mask that covered his eyes. "I see that my psychic powers have reached you." He replies calmly, folding his arms in front of his chest boldly.

"And... um, do I know you?" I squint at him, now close enough to have a comfortable conversation. Something about him struck me as somewhat familiar.

His grin falters slightly. "That, you do not."

"I see..." I mumble, uncertain why I was here, in the middle of who knows where with a guy who dragged me out here via conscience. "Well, is there a reason you called me?"

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