Allister x Reader || Isle of Armor

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"Ahh, that trip took it outta me!" I exclaimed, stretching my arms out wide and yawning. After a lengthy boat ride from Galar's mainland across the sea to the Isle of Armor, I was left exhausted just from sitting in a boat for a couple of hours. Fortunately, I had packed well, so I was entertained at least, but now, all I wanted to do was find the nearest place to stay.

Quickly so as to leave the place sooner, I thanked the employees and exited the station. I was immediately hit by waves of warm, summer-like heat and a blaring sun from overhead. Beaches lay out before me, sprinkled with trees and Pokemon.

I'd heard tales of the sights and scenery, but this was nothing like the various photos I had seen online. For a moment, I was so taken away by the view that I'd nearly forgotten my fatigue. While the pleasant weather and azure seas were delightful, and all, I needed to find this so-called dojo and call it a night.

My main Pokemon journey was over, and I'd beaten all of the Gym Leaders and such — I was more than ready for a little side vacation to relax and let my Pokemon partners have some free time away from the bustling and busy streets of the many cities in the region of Galar.

"Hee hee! I bet this is your first time on the Isle of Armor. I bet you can't wait to start exploring, but first things first!"

I jumped at the voice, which was startlingly close to myself, and for a fleeting moment, I thought the shrill, strongly British, and prominently feminine voice was addressing me. But when I turned to my right, the girl who previously spoke had her back turned to me.

She continued, and I stepped closer, wondering who in the world she was talking to. "We need to make sure you're ready!" I took note of her unnaturally bubblegum-pink-colored hair, awed by its resemblance to spun sugar. "Since I've already been at the Master Dojo for a little while now... I'll be the one testing you out!"

"A-ah, n-no... no thanks..." A quiet, meek voice replied, sounding just as timid and reluctant as I remembered. Allister, one of the several I had to battle in order to get strong enough to challenge the champion, Leon, and also a Ghost-Type specialist. Why a guy like him who favored the dark and gloomy presence of spirits came to a resort like this, I'll never know.

The girl, who was a head or two taller than him, gave him a smug grin as she pulled out a Pokemon Ball of hers from the pocket of her fuzzy white jacket. "Go easy on me, okay?" She winks.

"W-wait, I..." Alistar trailed off, sounding like he was facing death, and knew he couldn't stop it. I debated stepping in, but I didn't know Allister very well and didn't recognize the blush-haired lady at all.

But before I could draw a conclusion, she continued, her spirits seemingly soaring at the fact that she'd found an easy target to battle, an easy win. It made my blood boil, but I was also aware that Allister was a Gym Leader for a reason. He could hold his own in battle, albeit not in conversation.

"Remember, it's just a test — so take it easy! I'll be nice and gentle..." Her cooing now dripped of malic and bloodlust as her violet eyes glimmered with a ghoulish glee fit for a manic. "...As I knock you down flat!"

That was the last straw for me.

"Heya, Allister. Long time no see!" I greeted him with a plastered smile, stepping to his side protectively. I turned to the lady across from him and redirected the topic at hand "And who might you be?" I asked, trying to shake off the awkwardness of confronting her, whoever she was.

"You haven't heard me?!" She gasps as if horrified at the thought of me not knowing of her likely nonexistent fame. "But I'm' the colorful, caring, charismatic Klara!" So she didn't have a brain. Or maybe it was her boosted arrogance that fueled the sudden bout of alliteration.

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