Crasher Wake x Tsundere! Reader || Battling in the Rain

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"We have a problem," I state simply.

"And it's another Tuesday. What's your point?" He bellows, a booming laugh breaking loose.

Freezing rain pelted the roof above me, which was my only shelter against its icy grip. While the shelter was only on the top of a small porch, I didn't go inside to take refuge from the rain. It wasn't the problem here. With my partner, Vaporeon, in my arms, I continued to frown at the man talking to me.

Crasher Wake. He is Sinnoh's water-type gym leader of Pastoria City and is very proud of this fact. He often took on people as his apprentice — and made them call him master. I was his only trainee, the last one being a boy named Barry, and therefore came every week to challenge him to a battle -- training purposes only. It's not like I liked his jovial, enthusiastic, and bombastic personality.

I scoff, hugging my water-type Eevee evolution tighter to my chest. Then, I choke out, "You don't mean as much to me as you think you do."

Crasher Wake bursts out with another chuckle, not even believing a word I said, per usual, "Is that right, kiddo?"

"Stop treating me like a child! I'm not an immature trainer just starting on a journey! Heck, I've collected almost all of the badges now!" My voice begins to rise as frustration seeps into my tone.

Amusement glimmers in his dark eyes as I fume in anger at his response. "Anyway, kid -- I mean, (Y/N) -- you here to challenge the great Crasher Wake to a battle again today?"

"Yes," I said solemnly.

Laughing once again he says, "Lighten up! Don't take battles too seriously -- they're supposed to be fun!"

"Master Wake. As my mentor, I understand you want to help me become stronger. But this is part of the problem! I'm here to work my hardest to become the champion -- and here you are, making theme songs about yourself!" I shout.

Crasher Wake mocks being offended, but immediately breaks into another wide grin. "What's wrong with theme songs? Mine are spectacular!" How is he always so upbeat and optimistic?

I glance out into the rain which was still pouring down, and not appearing to be letting up. Sighing, I turn to back to Crasher Wake, "Should we wait-?"

"Why wait?" He interrupts, "Your Vaporeon would love it!"

He's not wrong. The Vaporeon I held in my arms seemed to be longing for a fight in the rain. "Actually, you're right. Let's begin now." I hesitantly relent.

After we've both stepped into our place on the dirt battlefield next to Crasher Wake's house, I let Vaporeon pounce out of my arms and into position on the ground, water drenching everything. The cold rain sent shivers down my spine, but I stubbornly didn't say a thing. Crasher Waker sent out his main Pokemon, a Floatzel. The large, orange weasel-like otter let out a determined cry, and the battle started.

"Vaporeon, use Swift!" I holler, and yellow stars shine around the aquamarine fox before racing toward Floatzel.

"Floatzel, you use Swift too!"

Both sides send hovering stars shooting across the field, and they crash into each other, shattering into fragments of light on impact.

Crasher Wake yells across the battlefield to me, "Hey! That there! That was a good move!"

Heat rises in my checks at the praise, since I had worked hard on perfecting the attack in particular. "Now, Vaporeon! Use Quick Attack!"

Vaporeon does just so, bounding up to the opposing Pokemon and tackling it to the ground. They both fell to the dirt with a thud. "This is where it gets exciting!" He yells, "Now, use Bite while she's close!" Floatzel digs its teeth into Vaporeon's back as she tries to dodge, and she cries out in pain.

"Ugh," I grit my teeth together, overthinking every strategy I've learned.

My mentor sees my balled-up fists, tight in concentration, and says, "You wanna know my strategy?"

My head swiftly snaps up to meet his gaze.

"It's nothing more than choosing moves that will make my battles more fun!"

"Just great," I roll my eyes, wiping cool rain off my forehead.

"Hey, I know you're just a softy underneath all that glare." He smiles.

"Am not!" I growl, offended. "Vaporeon. Water Gun!" A blast of water slams into the orange Pokemon, bringing its health points down dangerously lower. "And now follow up with tail whip!" Vaporeon's tail smacks Floatzel harshly, sending it flying across the field.

"Hey, look at that!" Crasher Wake says with wide eyes and an easy smile, "It seems the undertow pulled me under... But I had a great time battling with you!"

After a moment of being absolutely speechless, a smile breaks through my tough demeanor, "I did it! I won!"

"You sure did, (Y/N)," He says, returning his Floatzel to its Pokemon Ball, a satisfied smile on his face. "Great job, training really has helped you improve. You could probably beat the entire Elite Four with that partner of yours."

"Only because of you!" I suddenly clamp a hand over my mouth, embarrassed that the honest truth had slipped out, "I mean... nothing,"

Crasher Wake says, "Glad I could be of help to you,"

"Um, yeah." I avert my eyes from his proud gaze, then furrow my eyes, "But stop looking at me like a pleased dad."


"Look, you're not THAT much older than me," I frown, then abruptly sneeze. Rain still came down like a cloak over the sky.

"If you say so... but let's get you out of this rain, 'kay?"

"I don't need help!" I snap, insulted once more, but I allow him to take me inside his house anyway after I see his downcast expression.

Once he leads me inside, he threw me a towel to dry my (h/c) hair and told me to sit down on the couch in his main room. I'm quickly handed a mug of steaming hot cocoa, and after only a few sips, I feel warm to the core. "Thanks," I mumble into the cup.

"What was that?" He teases.

"You heard me," I shake my head with a small smile. Dang. Normally, I wouldn't smile this much in an entire week. Maybe even two. What was with this man? I quietly ask, "Master Wake?"

"(Y/N), just call me Wake now. You've learned enough to stop callin' this man 'Master'." He softly chuckles.

"Oh, okay... Wake," I nod, "Well, um, it's not like I like you or anything..." My face flushes, as Crasher Wake's intent gaze fixates on my burning face, "Erm, can I hug you?"

"Why ask?" He smiles wide, "I'd think we were close enough already."

My eyes stretch far at this, a stunned expression conquering all else. I set the now-empty cocoa mug down and reach for Wake's open arms. He embraces me tightly, his large build enveloping my smaller one. "Wake,"




Extra! Crasher Wake's Theme Song:

"The ring is my roiling sea. ♪
The towering waves shaped me.
Crash! Crash! Crasher Wake!
Crash! Crash! Crasher Wake!
I'm the tidal wave of power to wash you away!
Put out the fire, Crasher Wake!
Run from electricity, Crasher Wake!
Ah, ah, aaaah!
The ring is my sea. ♪"


Author's Note:

Hi there!

I finally got a new request! This was requested by dontteachmyhamster ! It's a bit longer than usual! Thank you so much, and I hope this is what you were looking for! I admit, this one was a bit hard to write since Wake is quite a bit older than me. Just... imagine that Crasher Wake was a bit younger?

The question: What's your favorite water-type specialist? Mine is Misty, by far.


Word count: 1300 words

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