Blue x Reader || Remember When...?

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When I was passing through Pallet Town to visit some good friends from way back in my journey, I saw a familiar face. Piercing gaze, check. Spiky hair, check. He probably used a lot of hair products... Anyway. Hands in pockets, check. Edgy silence, check.

Yep, you guessed it, my childhood friend... Good ole cocky, arrogant... tsundere Blue.

"...Hm." He gives a slight, uncertain nod but doesn't seem to completely realize something until I break into a grin and everything appears to click in his brain. "Wait, wait. (Y/N)?!"

"Hiya there, Blue. Long time no see!" I beam and wave eagerly, stepping out of Route 1 to speak more easily. "How have you been? I hardly recognized you there for a moment — who knew my childhood friend would grow up to be so, so tall?" His height was admirable, and anyone could tell. "And so cute!" I add teasingly.

"Uh, yeah. You've certainly changed too." He pauses, his scowl still not wavering. "Listen, this is going to sound mean, but... Don't ever call me cute again."

To that, my smile merely widens. "Aw, really? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm serious, (Y/N)." He rolls his eyes. "Just... don't call me that. We aren't kids anymore."

I sighed dramatically, crossing my arms. "Fine, fine. Let me rephrase that. Who knew my childhood friend would grow up to be so... gorgeous? Handsome? Stunning? A heartbreaker? Is any of that better than, say, positively adorable?"

Rolling his eyes once more, he chooses not to respond but seems to loosen up out of his typical cold exterior. For a brief, fleeting moment, I see the tiniest hint of a smile. "Yeah... You're just messing with me, aren't you?"

"Not a chance!" I grin, wagging a finger at him. "I mean every word, Blue."

"Yeah, no. You're just trying to get under my skin."

"What's the harm of a playful banter between childhood friends?"

There's an uncomfortable lull in the conversation, and I expected him to brush me off and we'd go our separate ways, but instead, he surprised me for once. "Hey, I've got a question." Once I nod vigorously and maybe over eagerly, he continues. "Um, well... Are you busy tomorrow?"

"Oh em gee, the super hottie is asking me out!" I teased, not letting up even for a second, even though I knew he didn't truly mean to phrase it like he was building up to a date.

Blue sighs and shakes his head, but the faint blush on his face tells me everything. "No, I was wondering if you would like to, uh... Maybe go exploring with me in the Viridian Forest, you know, like the old days. It's been almost a decade now." His cheeks redden further. "N-not that I care or anything, but, uh–"

"Yeah, sure." My tone shifted to a more serious note, but I still smiled warmly. "I would love to, Blue. Those were the best days of my life. When we were so innocent, young, so quick to trust and it was so simple to make friends with everyone in town..."

With that, he can't help but also smile. "Does tomorrow morning work for you?" He asks, the hesitation in his voice evident, to which I lept into action.

"Of course! It's a date, Blue!" I grinned cheekily.

His gaze narrows and he's quick to correct me, as always. Predictable Blue. "Tch. No. No, it's not a date–"

"I know. See you then?"

"Y-Yeah... see you."

As planned, Blue is waiting at the entrance of the forest at ten. He leans against a tree, seeming lost in thought. He glances at his watch and checks the time. "I'm here, I'm here!" I gasped, hastily running up to him. I liked being punctual. "I was so not late! Yes?"

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