Silver x Reader || Escape This Madness

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"Alright... Let's see, uh, my team is healed, I gotta make sure the PP is at a manageable level... Okay. I'm set and ready." I pump my arms after checking and double-checking my bag, items, and Pokemon partners. I had barreled my way through the headquarters of Team Rocket without any trouble, but now, as I stood before the closed door belonging to the evil organization's boss, it was about time to be cautious.

I reluctantly slip my hand around the silver knob of the entrance, noticing its cold feel as shivers roll up and down my spine. An eerie hollow feeling pours down my gut, but I fling open the door anyway, and it reveals a room devoid of anything unusual. The only thing peculiar about the space was the dim atmosphere.

The rest of the rooms and corridors in the base were pretty well-lit, but this room didn't have a single light on. "Hello? Is there anyone here?" I nervously call out to the mastermind of a man who founded this place and step forward. Where was the self-proclaimed 'strongest trainer'?

That was my mistake.

The instant I was a few feet into the room, the door behind me slammed closed with a bang and left my sight hindered and my panic on the rise.

A low, unhurried cackle echoes through the room. "So! You managed to make your way here, little girl. I must admit, I'm impressed." My gaze darted, but in the pitch black, I couldn't locate the owner of the sinister voice. "Team Rocket captures Pokémon from around the world. They're important tools for keeping our criminal establishment going. And I am the leader of this enterprise... Giovanni!"

"I'm not here to fool around!" I shout, with each fist clenched around a Poke ball at my side. "I'm here to put a stop to your malicious plans!"

"Is that so...?" He pauses to chuckle deviously once more. "Fwahahahaha! You came barging into our hideout just for that? What an amusing child. To think of you to stop me... But — for your insolence — you will feel a world of pain!"

Before I could respond, two pairs of hands harshly grabbed my shoulders and jostled me, tugging me away. I lose my grip on the Poke balls containing my team in the process but as I'm about to scream, a cloth is tied over my mouth and eyes.

Giovanni's voice rings out again, stinging my ears. "You never had a chance if you thought someone like you, a terribly inexperienced trainer, could take out Team Rocket!"

I'm thrown around and I pass out once or twice, but eventually am chained to a hard stone wall. The metal cuffs burn into my flesh as I thrash around, my screeches still stifled by the gag. Scarlet blood dribbles down my arms, staining my skin with a trail of the vibrant ruby-red liquid. I sink to the hard, cold paved flooring, tears rolling down my face and soaking the cloth covering them.

Was there no escape? I wouldn't know. They left the blindfold on, but let me breathe, removing the gag but keeping the iron chains that bound me in place. There had to be hope. But who would save me?

- - -

A world of pain, huh?

I had no world.

I hadn't seen the light of day in a month. All I knew was shallow breathing and my racing thoughts that bounced around pointlessly in my head. I knew blood and tears. I knew the brittle line between hate and insanity was constantly blurred.

One thing was clear, I was losing my grasp on my mind that was warped with blood loss, fatigue, and starvation. A deadly combo that was ready to end me at any moment.

Nothing mattered, and I didn't want to be alive in this nightmare of reality.

One day – after many, many long days of agony – a sharp, familiar voice shatters the silence in my confinement cell. It was the person whose voice was the last I heard before I was locked in here. "One must acknowledge one's defeat before he can move on... One day, you will understand, boy." Giovanni snarls.

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