Leon x Fem! Reader || Failure

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"So... this is it, huh?" I murmured under my breath, clenching my partner's Poke Ball so tight that my knuckles turned white. "I've finally arrived at the final boss."

There were mere minutes before I would step out into the spotlight and face against the number one trainer in the entire world — Leon. I could already feel the intensity, and hear the cheers in my ears, and a small smile slid across my face. The stands would be filled out, rows upon rows of screaming fans, all ready to boost morale with their shouts and chants.

I was ranked fourth in the World Coronation Series, so going toe-to-toe with the reigning Galar champion was such an unfathomable incredible honor that would make nearly anyone faint right where they stood. Fortunately for me, I forced myself to be down to Earth, focusing on checking and double-checking my team.

In my opinion, it was the perfect set of six, and if you were to ask me, I would say that they were my very favorites.

I began to tap my foot nervously, waiting for the announcer to proclaim the battle's rules and limits, and then explain both our names and titles. Once his voice rang out in the overhead speakers in the locker room where I prepared and waited tensely, I knew my cue was to walk out onto the battlefield.

Pushing past my rising anticipation, I willed my legs to move until the blaring light overtook me, and I gasped as the sights and sounds of Wyndon Stadium filled my senses. Just as I had predicted, the area was sold out. Not a seat was left unattended.

No one would miss a match that was sure to go down in history. Besides, I'd never lost before today, and I wasn't about to change that. Victory was in the palm of my hand, and I knew it. Leon and I would make the legends, I just knew it. Many more were watching on TVs around the world.

So many eyes were on me at the moment...

"Battle!" The announcer exclaimed, his mouth far too close to the microphone, making his words even louder than necessary. "Ready... set..." The crowd shouted along with him. "Begin!"

I caught Leon's gaze as we both tossed up the circular capsules containing our first choice — his Charizard faced off against my partner. Not a word passed between us, but for some reason or another, I couldn't help but zero in on his unwavering golden eyes that reflected the blazing flames the embellished his Fire-Type starter Pokemon.

As I barked out my first command, and the world's one and only did the same, the audience screamed their approval, waving banners and posters and wildly applauding whenever any advancement was made.

Pokemon battling was our world today, in every region from Kanto to Galar. And with the World Coronation Series promoting the eight best trainers around the world, the hype only grew and grew.

All of my life, I've loved Pokemon. And all of my life, I've never once faced a defeat. Not one single time.

I had boldly assumed that Leon was just another opponent.

And, oh, how I was wrong.

The atmosphere in the stadium was so overwhelming, I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. Numbly, I recall returning my last remaining Pokemon as Leon waved up to his adoring fans as his grin only widened. Even with the cheers in my ears, all I felt was a dull ache and a cold fear that clawed its way up to my heart.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to become the new monarch... I was supposed to... win... right?

What did I have left now? I had lost. It was over. Everything.

I guess this is like when a mother coddles her children, and they become lazy couch potatoes who can't even keep a steady job. Or when someone treats their pets like a family member, and they begin to adapt to that unnatural lifestyle to the point where it cripples them and they lose their natural instincts.

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