Leon x Tsundere! Reader || Christmas Trees

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"Hello, hello, Wedgehurst! Your Champion, Leon, is back! I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch!"

The small crowd that made up the entire town cheers their hearts out. I watch from afar, arms folded. He was so popular even as a child and became Champion at such a young age with his fully evolved Charizard.

Leon gives everyone a wave and a toothy grin. "Well, thank you for that! I hope you'll all carry on training up your Pokémon and never shy from battle. Then come challenge me for the Champion title!"

There was no way any of us could beat him, but I admired his kindness which seemed to overflow. He was powerful but humble.

"My wish is for Galar's Trainers to work together to become the strongest in all the world!"

And yet, he seemed untouchable. As I stood there at the back of the crowd, barely able to glimpse his face, I felt like even just talking to him wouldn't ever be a reality. He was from this town but left on his journey before we had the chance to speak.

Now, he wasn't just another boy from Postwick. He wasn't just the Charizard fan who lived down the street. He was the Galar region's greatest-ever Pokémon Champion. People from all around the world call him the unbeatable Leon.

"Well, everyone! I bid you farewell for today! But don't you fret... I'll always be around to make sure everyone in Galar can have a champion time!" And with that, he did his signature pose and left, his fans all shouting his name.

- - -

Now, that day at the train station is far in the past. And while I should put it behind me, it felt like that day could've been yesterday. I still can vividly recall the gravel road beneath my shoes, the cheers in my ears, and the chill of an early autumn breeze...

"Hey, (Y/N), did you want to eat the ice cream in the freezer, or can I?"

"Ice cream? In winter?!" I instantly snapped back, eyebrows furrowing. "Don't be barbaric!"

Leon steps into the room, a sheepish grin on his face, his carefree demeanor never faltering under my harsh words. "Sorry, sorry. I know you love your ice cream..."

"I do not!" I retorted.

Back then, I truly did think Leon was untouchable. But nowadays... we're roommates.

Leading up to today was a rollercoaster. Inspired to become a great Pokemon Trainer like Leon, I set out on my own journey, where I eventually became rivals with the Champion and a Dragon-Type specialist named Raihan. I considered them enemies to beat.

That is until I hit rock bottom and had to ask Leon to become roommates with me to save money. The Champion got a whole lot of money winning battles, but my status as a regular, average skilled Trainer wasn't doing me many favors money-wise.

Splitting the costs was the best move. And I'd rather share an apartment with Leon than Raihan, so I naturally asked the former instead of the latter.

"Arceus, Leon! It's almost Christmas, and we don't even have a tree up! Instead, you're begging to eat my ice cream?!" I bark, crossing my arms loosely over my chest and flopping onto the sofa.

Leon sits down on the couch opposite of me, looking a little worried. "Should we get a tree, or...?"

"From where?" I scoff. "It's a week until Christmas Eve, who is going to have any live trees still?"

"Well, Milo might." He shrugged.

I sink further into the couch cushions, not convinced in the least. "Fat chance. Either way, it's freezing out there, you know. Not ideal, frankly."

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