Nessa's Wish || Short Story

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The only sound that could be heard in the quiet town was the resounding click and tap of shoes briskly walking across the paved sidewalk. The person nimbly avoided the puddles scattered through the city of Hulbury as the gray skies overhead showed no signs of relenting. Hulbury was a fishing town, one that relied heavily on seafood alone. Back to the slim form of a person, who had bright blue eyes and a confident smile on her face as she turned to the sky, just as the next downpour began.

With a disheartened sigh, the lady flicked her long, dark twists behind her and daintily stepped into the nearest entrance with perfect grace. She had the air of a popular model, who only wanted to escape the suffocating pressure of responsibility. And that was exactly what she wanted.

The place she had entered was a large stadium, and she was in the main entrance hall specifically. She slid off her coat and set it down on a nearby couch in the lobby as if she lived there. That was because this gym was like a second home to her, the Hulbury Gym. The lady adjusted her hair, shaking the dampness off her highlights, the highlights she was very proud of. They were the aquamarine color of a midday ocean, something she was very fond of, ever since she was a child.

Tilting her head, she wistfully stared out of the window at the rain streaking the glass pane, blurring the sights of the city she held dear.

With the clang of a door loudly slamming open, an energetic young teen rushed in, her orange ponytail covered with heart lair clips bouncing with the rhyme of her pace. She stopped in from the model and panted, "Nessa! Where were you?"

Nessa turns without batting an eye, turns to her out-of-breath friend, and says calmly, "I was only taking a short breather. A simple stroll. Can a model ever get a break, Sonia?"

Sonia, the girl who just ran in, fidgets with her fluffy hair and gasps, "But you missed an opportunity to accept another promotion advertisement offer they wanted you in! I had to turn them down because I couldn't find you, and you don't know how embarrassing it was!"

"Ah," Nessa blinks, and murmurs thoughtfully, "I suppose I could just tell them that I literally have five requests for this weekend only. I'm booked, and that's final. Now, allow me to go to my next client's meeting."

Sonia realized that she offended her friend, clasps her hands, and apologizes, "Forgive me! I know that you need a break every once in a while, Nessa!"

Nessa only nods and taps her fingers impatiently.

Sonia continues, "I know! Let's go out for a treat in two hours. I'll be at the Captain's Table, alright?"

The peppy young professor assistant started to walk away but was stopped by a quiet, "Wait," from Nessa.

"What's up?" Sonia tilts her head.

Nessa smiles softly, not looking at anything in particular, but rather into her own daydream world, "You know Huldury's lighthouse?"

"Of course," Sonia nods.

Nessa murmurs, "Whenever I feel uncertain, I go there to look at the sea... and I ask the lighthouse which way to go."

Sonia stares at the wistful girl posing faintly in front of the window, surprised at the beautiful confession just made.

Nessa's cheeks redden, and she stammers, "I-I know that must sound lame, I'm sorry!"

"No, no. Not at all! It sounded very meaningful, I promise." Sonia shakes her head to deny Nessa's protests, then smiles. "See you at the restaurant!"

Sonia takes out a mini umbrella from her backpack and collapses it, then rushes out into the gale of heavy rain that pelts her. Nessa chuckles to herself at the sight of Sonia stubbornly resisting the harsh wind as she struggles down the street to the restaurant. It was oddly amusing to see her peach-colored hair whipping around her pale face.

Nessa was looking forward to a good meal of seafood from the Captain's Table, but for now, she had more dreaded modeling to do. Though, she knew she would complete it in due time, like always. She was glad that Sonia was a friend she could depend on!


Author's Note:

This is a story I debated turning into a full on story, but I switched it into a short one-shot instead. Question: What's your favorite gym leader in the Galar region? Mine is probably either Bea, Allister, or Nessa. I have Pokemon Sword by the way.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked it, reader!


Word count: 780 words

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