Iris x Fem! Reader || The Sleepover Secrets

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"Oh? A sleepover?"

"Yep! All of the girls are coming, and it's tonight at seven! Please, (Y/N), you just gotta come! Real friends are better than manga!" Her voice was bubbly and high, and cheery as always. Her light and carefree tone always brightened everything anywhere it went, and it also made it hard to say no to her.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that... but yeah, of course, I'll be there, Iris," I assure her.

"Awesome, see you there! I can't wait! Also, bring some snacks with you — and not those knock-off colored chocolates from Johto or whatever from last time. Those were gross. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed softly, recalling the bizarre arrangement of sweets I had brought the last time we'd hung out with our friend group. "See you tonight."

"Girls night for the win!" I can almost hear Iris's grin. "Buh bye for now! Don't you dare be late!"

I smile. "Bye." With a click, the phone call ended, and I was back in my bedroom, not absorbed in her voice. I could lose myself in her voice, and I often did.

But to stay on track, I should probably pack up if it's tonight. While it was on late notice, I didn't mind, and never would. Sleepovers with Iris were always a blast — whether it was the steamy, gooey pizza, chatting late into the night, sharing secrets of dreams for the future, or of special somebodies... It never got old.

As for the snacks, any old chip bag or three would do just fine, I think. Iris always provided plenty of yummy things herself, being the over-eager girl she is.

Soon, I was standing in front of her door, bag slung over my shoulder and my sleeping bag in hand. Not even a moment after I knocked on the door, it flew open, and White greeted me at the door. "Hiya, (Y/N)! You're the last one to get here — hurry up, hurry up!"

"Alright, I'm coming." I laugh and shake my head at her enthusiasm.

"Shauntal brought Pocky too!" Her pearly teeth shone even brighter.

"And hey, your hair is down for once. That's a rare sight if I'm being honest." I note as I walk in and close the door behind me.

"Hey, is it really that much of a shock to you? Whitney said that exact same thing, I swear!" She huffs, toying with the long, deep brown strands as they fall gracefully in soft waves around her slender shoulders.

Hauling my things and walking past her, I nod curtly, "Not shocking, just very, very uncommon." She follows at my heels, pretending to be offended while her bright eyes laughed and shared my inclination to start up a playful banter.

"Oh, you're finally here!" Iris exclaims when I enter her room, gaze snapping up to meet mine.

Before I can get a word out, Shantual hastily thrusts a box of Pocky into my hands and instructs solemnly, her eyes boring into mine from behind her wire glasse frames, "Now please shut it, my deadline is tomarrow."

I nod, knowing this to be the usual as she went back to furiously typing on her laptop so ferociously and intensely I thought she'd break the keys.

Across the room were the other three, Iris, Whitney, and an already half-asleep Caitlin, as they tried to play some card game with rules that obviously didn't truly exist. "My, my. You made it." Caitlin mumbles, looking about to nod off already with her glazed gaze.

"Wake up, girls! Snacks and secrets, let's go!" Iris shouts enthusiastically, jumping to her feet and calling everyone's attention immediately.

Once everyone was in a tight circle on the floor, each sitting on their respective sleeping bags and Iris next to her floor, we began. Even Shantual was convinced to play a few games, as long as she was allowed to work on her novel as well.

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