Black x Reader || Us, Pizza, and Cuddles

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When I first met Black, we were both on our Pokemon journeys through the Unova region in hopes of seizing that famed title of Champion that was the goal for nearly everyone with a Pokemon partner or three in Unova. He was traveling with a fellow trainer, a girl named White who was the leading hand in an organization involving supplying actors, both human and Pokemon, for skits, musicals, and films alike.

At the time, I had assumed the two of them were a couple and a positively cute one at that, so I had dismissed any feelings I felt for the considerate and ambitious Black. He had that raw and natural passion for Pokemon training that anyone could admire with ease.

I knew that the chances of us ever becoming a thong were zero to none, especially with that talented actress who could certainly pull strings past her dazzlingly bright cobalt eyes.

Fortunately, we bumped into each other again and again when we went to challenge the region's eight Gym Leaders. It was bound to happen at some point, seeing as we had the same end goal of challenging the Unova League one day.

Each time I saw Black, White was at his side, all pearly smiles and sugar-sweet tones. So, it made sense to jump to the assumption that they were an item. They matched each other perfectly, or so I had believed.

I had to stop wishing for him, but I just got the taste for it, so when I decided to meet up with him to ask him about his relationship with White, he merely waved me off, saying that she was his boss.

His boss.

His... boss?!

I was so relieved I felt like breaking down right there and then. If I had truly been crushing on a guy already promised to another, I'd feel guilty for a long while after. During that same conversation, which I like to argue was fated for the both of us, I spilled out all of my once locked-up feelings.

Since I'd never confessed before that day, I was stumbling all over myself, my hushed words a scattered mess and my cheeks burning hotter than the very sun that hung in the sky. All the while, he gave me a dumbfounded expression. In the end, his answer was nonetheless solid.

He liked me too.





Screaming from the inside, I believe I tackled him into a tighter hug and sobbed into his shoulder with happiness. I was so glad, and I felt so light, I honestly believed I might just fly up into the sky.

While I was basking in pure bliss, I couldn't have predicted how it could get even better. Dating Black was just about heaven on earth if you could believe it. He was just the best thing that happened to me. He took me on the best adventures and the best dates — we even went on rides like the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa City, which is restricted to couples and couples only.

Even after our own Pokemon journeys across Unova, when I had finally settled down, we saw each other all of the time.

Today was no exception to his frequent visits.

I was lounging on the couch in my apartment, watching a television series I had gotten into recently due to fervent recommendations from a close friend, over-eager Bianca. In the middle of an episode, a soft knock interrupted my binging.

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