Kiawe x Fem! Reader || My Angel

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-Kiawe's POV-

I had never really thought my life was such a mess until I realized it could be a whole lot better.

Between juggling my family's growing Miltank farm, my many MooMoo Milk deliveries on Charizard, taking care of my younger sister, Mimo, keeping Akala Island's Fire-Type Trial up for new challengers, and attending the Pokemon School... I was working myself to the bone, with barely any time to breathe in between everything I was struggling through.

That all changed when I met her.

For a while now, I had been feeling beaten and bent out of shape, but then (Y/N) came into my life with her light, cheery laugh and broad smile like a beam of light through the dark I stood in.

"Oh wow! So, you like to dance?" She offers me one of her easy grins. "I'm assuming it's traditional or something of the sort, right?"

"Uh, yeah. It has been passed down in my family for a while, I guess." I shrug nonchalantly.

Clearly, she was just another budding, rising star of a Pokemon Trainer, just another one who aims to defeat the Totem here, an Alolan Marowak, and then rush to the next battle on the vast horizon. I shrugged her off time and time again, expecting her to leave.

But she didn't leave.

"Would you mind teaching me how to dance like that? I have a Kantonian Marowak who'd love to learn — along with me as well, of course!" She tosses up a Poke Ball, and in a flash of blinding light, her partner appears. It had the same gregarious attitude that she had, so it immediately went over and made friends with my Marowak.

"I guess... I wouldn't mind that, no." It wasn't a lie or a half-truth like the 'it's alright' I'd been insisting to everyone, including myself, and the thought lifted a weight off my shoulders. A small, slow smile appears on my face as her eyes light up with overflowing joy in its most purest, sincerest form.

(Y/N) clasps her hands together and exclaims enthusiastically, "Thanks a million times over, Kiawe! Really, I mean it!"

Her captivating, glimmering (e/c) eyes now glowed with an even brighter excitement, and with her (h/c) hair framing her face like a halo, only one thought ran through my mind. Everyone goes through heck trying to find an angel like her, so I should thank Arceus that she found me.

"So, when can we start?"

"Any time," I answered almost immediately, my face heating up when I realized how forward that probably sounded to her. However, I was broken and eager to hand this girl my heart, because when the night surrounded me, I needed her light around me.

Or else I'm just standing in the dark.

Beaming wide and genuine, (Y/N) nods vigorously in response. "Alrighty then! I'll plan on seeing you tomorrow morning, 'kay?"

She came that next morning with her Marowak, just as she said she would, and then the next and the next. Each time, she arrived at the Wela Volcano Park with her bright personality and constantly earnest way of looking at things. Our Marowaks worked just as nicely together as we did, fortunately, and (Y/N) absorbed everything I taught her perfectly.

We started a little performance together, sort of like an entertainment troupe, and held it at the base of the Wela Volcano every Saturday and Sunday night because that was when we were most often free. Nearly every mid-performance, she would turn to me as if to say 'your turn to breathe', and the shadows of every worry, every stress, every problem drifted away instantly.

(Y/N) doesn't explain as she twirls her baton and bobs her head to the beat, she just let's go and I discard all the pain that the world will ever know as the crowd goes wild at what they call 'Akala's most adorable duo'.

The crackling flames in the torches that surround the makeshift wooden platform where we perform. The unwavering, intent gazes of the awed crowd. The Marowaks match our pace. The feeling of enjoyment that I'd missed as of late. It was somewhat of a blur, but it was bliss smiling at her side.

"Would you like to go out with me, Kiawe?"

Just as our performance ended and we'd done our final bows, she sprung the spontaneous question so out of the blue, I was stunned and could hardly get a word out for a response.

"Do you mean...? Like, um... Like, go out on a date or something?!" I backpedaled, jaw-dropping as our audience started chanting our names, not as startled as I thought they would be. "Uh, (Y/N), we're still on stage, you know..."

She grins even wider. "We are famed throughout Akala Island for our spectacular performances and our undefined relationship. Rumor has it that we're girlfriend and boyfriend, yeah? I thought I'd set these theories straight." Speechless, I don't respond as my heart becomes the only thing other than her voice that I can process. "So...? Is that a yes or no? C'mon, don't leave me hanging like this, Kiawe!"

"(Y/N), I... Um, yeah, yes..." My face was burning hotter than the volcano we stood beside, and the cheering of the crowds that came for our performance was now even more ecstatic, their shouts almost deafening.

"Yes!" She pumped her arms up and down, similarly thrilled — just like me.

While I was embarrassed beyond words and a flustered mess in front of our audience, internally, I was absolutely euphoric. The angel in my life wanted to go on a date with me... I can't imagine anything else in this world that could possibly be any better.

Before I could say another word, (Y/N) tackled me into a hug. I nearly toppled over from the sudden embrace, but I steadied her weight in my arms to avoid any further public humiliation. She felt like an angel, too. Soft and warm and far, far too gorgeous to even put it into words.

Despite the uproar of the audience, I buried my head into my angel's shoulder, smiling like an idiot.

I was no longer standing in the dark.


Author's Note:

Hello again, Reader! This was a request from Owlwood97 whose only prompt was to base it off the song 'Standing in the Dark' by Nickleback.

Maybe you couldn't tell, other than the low word count, but I didn't have much inspiration or motivation to write this one since I don't see Kiawe as the sentimental type even though the song I based this off was not as upbeat as Kiawe is known to be.

I'm really sorry about that!

Also, this is the thirtieth one-shot published!!

On another note, here's the quest for today: Who is your favorite of the Trial Captains in Alola? My top favorite is Lana, through and through!

See you later,

Word count: 1168 words


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