Morty x Ghost! Reader || Calm and Collected

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-Morty's POV-

Eusine tugs my scarf, dragging me across the street. "C'mon, let's try to summon a ghost!" His slicked-back, honey-blonde hair shone in the moonlight, excitement reflecting in his crystal blue eyes.

"Why?" I grumble. "I'm a Ghost-Type specialist, why would I have to summon one? Look," Tossing out my partner, I watch Eusine's expression twist into a scowl when Gengar bursts out of its capsule with a Cheshire cat grin.

"Really? It's Halloween. Friends are supposed to do spooky things like this, yeah?" He flashes a smile, and I silently groan to myself.

We'd already gone Trick-or-Treating despite the wickedly chilling weather. The time of night wasn't helping at all either. I'd never been scared of the dark – no, the pitch black of midnight was my favorite time of day. It was calming. Rather, it was the small children screaming and bawling as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon.

The kids who eagerly donned costumes of Pikachus and such were now worn out, and added in the scary shadows at each corner... their ear-splitting shrieks were getting tiring, quite frankly.

"So, hurry up! To your house we go!" Eusine hooks arms with me and drags me along, a bag stuffed to the rim with candies and sweets he'd gathered.

"Fine," Relenting, I trail behind him after returning my Gengar.

Once we arrived at my house, which was situated down the street from the Gym I lead in Ecruteak City, he made a bee-line for my bedroom, bounding up the stairs with such vigor I was concerned about the amount of sugar the guy had eaten.

Before I follow at his heels with much less enthusiasm, I leave my bag of candy on the kitchen counter. It didn't take long for Eusine to plop down on the floor and begin munching on another chocolate bar.

Confidence is evident in his bold tone as Eusine declares matter-of-factly, "No ghost would dare ignore my request — for I am far too great for them to merely ignore me! Unless, of course, they are intimidated by my level of superiority!"

"As if," I roll my eyes but settle down next to him on the carpeted floor of my room. "Anyway, how were you planning on 'summoning a ghost'?"

"Ah, about that..."

"What's the matter?"

Eusine shrugs, popping a gummy into his mouth. "I was hoping, you know, that you would have some ritual to perform or something since you're the Ghost-Type Gym Leader and all."

I slowly exhale. Of course. Although it was true that I specialized in Ghost-Types, it didn't ever cross my mind that I would have to know how to summon spirits from wherever they hid. I merely enjoyed their quiet company, even though they delighted in pulling pranks. "Look something up, I guess. You have a phone. Use it." I replied at last, not caring much at all about entertaining Eusine's childish desires.

He crosses his arms over his chest and frowns. "Out of all of the legends you've researched, you're telling me you never came across something about ghosts?"

Pausing to think, I rummage through the stories I'd come across in my search to find the Legendary Beasts. "There was one thing," I murmur.

"Alright!" He pumps his arms, cerulean eyes bright with an excessive amount of exhilaration. "What can we do?"

I rummage around and toss out a couple of my Pokemon. "Well, I was thinking I'd have either Mismagius or Cofagrigus call for a spirit. I believe that they could communicate with a diseased soul or whatever, tell it to come here, and... I suppose I could talk to it."

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