James x Reader || Beloved Bottlecaps

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"Ugh, why is it so hard to find one dang Pokemon!" I grumble, exasperated, with a sigh, dragging my feet with every step farther down the path. Alola's warm summer sun beat down on my skin, nipping at my face and likely leaving a slight burn. Completing the Pokedex was never easy, no matter what region you were in.

But for some reason, the goal of capturing every species appeared impossible. Being simply too hard, the task was not only extremely time-consuming but also expensive in addition. Constantly stocking up on Potions and Revives to heal my team was easy when merely purchasing the items, but having to battle every Trainer you came across for money wasn't my favorite hobby.

Instead, I collected, in a small box, bottle caps.

Sure, only one or two were worthless on their own, but after a period of time, one could exchange the numerous, mini metal lids in exchange for cash. Finding it the simplest way to earn some extra dollars, that's just what I did.

In fact, I had more bottle caps than I count right about now.

Alas, my attention wasn't focused on that at the moment, because of just one thing.

"Where the heck can I find a Bewear on this whole island?!" I shout up to the sky overhead, "I've been searching for hours!"

Brambles stuck to my legs and low tree branches whipped my face as I trampled through tall grass and past dense forests. Where I was currently... I had no idea. Lost in the woods, huh? No one's preferred activity. And still, I hadn't successfully captured a Bewear, or even caught sight of one.

These things were huge, bright pink panda bear-like Pokemon, and supposedly easy to spot, due to their tendencies to stomp around their habitats, loud as can be.

I reluctantly plop down on a rotting, fallen log, exhaling in disappointment once more. I pull out a recyclable plastic water bottle and take large, thirsty gulps of the clear, fresh water. "Ahh... so much better!" I break out in a grin.

Leaning back, I don't notice the rustle of tree leaves overhead until a massive Pokemon jumps before me, making contact with the ground with a solid thud that shakes the log where I sat.

"H-hey!" I call, then blink, slowly recognizing the creature.

My Rotom Pokedex wizzes out of my bag, analyzing the wild Pokemon. "Bewear; the Strong Arm Pokemon. It's a-"

"Shut it!" I push the Dex aside and leap to my feet, "Imma catch it, right here and now!"

"Hold on, bzz, (Y/N)!" It exclaims, hovering beside me.

Before I could toss a Pokeball at the Bewear, it raced off without giving me a glance, deeper into the brush.

"Ack! After it!" I squeal, picking up speed as I run, (f/c) tennis shoes padding against the dirt floor, leaves getting caught in their laces, but I didn't care. I had to capture it before it escaped.

Unfortunately, I wasn't nearly as fast of a runner as Bewear was, and I quickly lost sight of it. Disappointed, my pace slowed to a sluggish walk. "Rotom Dex, what's the chance of another Bewear appearing?"

"Approximately forty percent, bzz." It informs me.

"Oh no," I groan, continuing to walk, batting away brushes. Less than half could basically be zero for all I cared.

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