Leon x Reader || It's Only a Cold

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News of the bedridden Champion spread like wildfire. The young children who — just yesterday — happily cheered Leon's name, now intently watched the TV channels, hoping for a glimpse of Galar's beloved titleholder who had gotten sick out of the blue.

And I was no exception.

When I heard the gossip at the Pokemon Center's cafe I sat at, I almost didn't believe it. Wasn't Leon just telling me about an official match he had scheduled today? All of those who had eagerly awaited the battle between Hammerlocke's Gym Leader, Raihan, and Leon would now be severely disappointed.

Stirring a cup of steaming hot cocoa with a silver spoon, I slowly dump the tasty chocolate liquid down my throat, eyes glued to the television screen in my room, neglecting all other things.

"(Y/N)!" A sweet, melodic voice calls up to me, and I almost choke on the mini marshmallows I was gulping down.

"What, Mom?" I shout down the stairway, still not directing my attention away from the news report. The lady speaking on the electric display made it sound like Leon had come down with something absolutely tragic, and I was beginning to feel a bit uneasy.

My mother's calm response was immediate. "There's someone at the door for you, dear! I think you'd better come down now, all that time in front of the TV isn't good for you."

"Alright, alright," I replied, leaving the mug, now empty of hot cocoa, on my wooden nightstand. "I'm coming!"

Plodding down the carpeted stairs, I wonder who in the world it could be. Most of my friends were in Wyndon since they traveled there by train to watch the delayed match that Leon was supposed to be in. A shame he was sick since I knew that Hop was super pumped to rally his older brother during the fight.

Once I'd made it to the main floor, I turned down the simply decorated halls, eyes lingering on the photos taken of Leon, Sonia, and me when we were all starting out on our Pokemon journey at the age of ten. I recall us being inseparable those days -- not that we were not anymore, but the distance had made it a little impossible to keep up with each other now.

Leon was the one and only Champion of this region, Sonia was a well-known Pokemon Professor under her grandmother's guidance, and me... a regular at the cafe down the street. Nothing nearly as important as those two. Not that I always minded, since that meant more days filled with sipping hot cocoa and playing video games for me!

"So, who's here?" I asked my mom once I'd arrived at the front entrance of my home.

"Why don't you open the door and see?" She suggests, an urging expression on her face.

"...Okay?" I frown slightly, turning to unhesitantly swing the door wide open, letting in a gust of frigid, winter air. With a shiver, I lifted my head expectantly, only for a gasp to escape my lips once I fully saw who it was.


"Leon?!" I exclaim, jaw slack.

I observed the purple-haired, tan male who stood quite a bit taller than me. Leon met my gaze with an innocent grin as if there was no way his fans were panicking over a cold he caught.

"Can I come in? It's a bit chilly out here if you didn't know." Leon asks, wrapping himself tighter in his legendary cape.

"Of course," I step back to allow him to walk in, then quickly close the door behind him. I realized that my mom had sneakily left the hall, most likely snooping on our conversation, thinking about how absolutely 'adorable' I was. "But I have to say... aren't you sick right now?"

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