Brock x Reader || But I'm Not Nurse Joy!

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"You agreed to go out with me right away but..." My breath hitches, and pause to think through the thoughts clouding my mind. I clasp my hands in my laps so tightly that they tremble violently and my knuckles turn white from the pressure. " I really good enough?"

Silence. It was such a thick, wordless atmosphere that I felt that I might suffocate if it lasted too long. He stops washing the dishes in the sink, letting the plate slip through his fingers and slide into the foamy water below. It clatters to the bottom of the sink, shattering the tense, mounding energy that sucked all the air out of the room.

The rock-type Gym Leader of Kanto, Brock, turns, breaking into a soft smile that instantly puts me at ease. "You've got to be kidding! I wouldn't say yes to just anyone, y'know!"

I blinked, then pressed my lips into a thin line. I knew Brock's antics, his habits, and his... obsession with any girl he deemed beautiful. Which was every girl. While I'm beyond honored to be his girlfriend, I didn't miss the adoration evident in his tone when another female passed — whether it was a caring nurse, a skilled cop, or a rising star of a trainer who was an experienced type specialist.

This led me to one conclusion. I wasn't good enough.

I didn't have the guts to approach him about it, but once we were alone in his apartment with no one like that loud, reckless, impulsive, dense Ash kid to interrupt what I was trying to say, I finally built up the courage to ask.

"Brock, don't lie to me," I whisper, assuming he wouldn't hear. Instead, he lept from where he stood at the mini kitchen's counter and dashed to my side over in the sitting room. I stiffened on the sofa, gaze locked on his unreadable, eternally closed eyes.

He knelt down on the carpet and took my hands in his. Brock looked up at me pleadingly, and I only scrunched up my eyebrows further, willing the tears welling up in my eyes to stay put. "Why would you think I'm lying, (Y/N)?" His voice was even and calm, but it startled me, and the first tear slipped down my cheek.

"I don't mean to accuse you, it's not your fault. It's mine." I murmur, taking heavy breaths to tame my racing thoughts.

Frowning, Brock squeezzes my hands comfortingly. "You did nothing wrong." He assures me, but I furiously shake my head to fervently deny his claim. He continues insistingly, "You're the first to actually accept my love. Really, it's true! As great as Nurse Joy is, she never returned anything. There were a few along the road when I was traveling, but still, none actually stuck with me like you have."

"I'm nothing special. Nothing like that strong Kahuna lady from Alola, or that one you stayed with for a while while the others were exploring the Orange Islands, or even gorgeous Lucy, or..." My words dissolved into quiet sobs that wracked my frame.

He tries again, "(Y/N)-"

I don't let him finish. "I'm not a good girlfriend, am I, though? I'm the leftover, the not-a-police-officer-but-she'll-do, right? Do you really want to date me? You don't regret it?"

Brock lets out a breath, then settles down on the couch next to me. "You're the one that always cheered me up after I was rejected by another model or celebrity, was dragged away by the ear by Misty, or paralyzed by my Crogunk. Every single time, you came along, a carefree grin on your face, and lifted my spirits too." I raise my head when he pauses. He offers me a smile, continuing, "When you asked me if I would date you, I was overjoyed. Do you know how often a girl comes to me?"

I suck in a breath. I knew the answer.

He noticed my recognition. "Never. You were a keeper and I knew it. I respected you as a friend and traveling companion, just like I never asked out May or Dawn. You were there, you likely saw my ecstatic reply to your confession, and I don't blame you if I looked a little crazy then."

"No, no. I was glad to see my feelings were well received." I tell him wistfully, recalling that moment fondly, then snapping back to reality just as quickly. "You're an adorable and affectionate guy. I'm not sure what I did to deserve you." My vision begins to blur with tears once more, but Brock raises a hand to gingerly brush them away.

"(Y/N), don't say that." He urges firmly. "I'm the one undeserving of the love of their life."

"Love of your life...?"

Brock flinches, "But of course! What else would you be to me? I love you so much there's no lame catchphrase or cheesy pickup line to try to impress you with. Sure, you are not Officer Jenny, but I don't expect you to be. I assure you, I like you the way you are, (Y/N)!"

I can't even muster the words to form a reasonable response, but I throw myself into his arms. He returns the embrace quickly, and heat rises in my face.

Everything in my life felt, at that exact moment, perfect. My head resting on his shoulder. His soft breaths on my cheek. The smile formed on my face. The silence, now so unfathomably comfortable and content I was almost incredulous.

Once a minute or three ticked by, I still couldn't make myself stop the hug that I soaked in with pure bliss. Eventually, Brock spoke up first, not pulling away either. "Please... say something."

"Can I kiss you?"

My reply stunned him, I'm sure, but I didn't care. When I glanced up, he was nodding vigorously into my hair. My smile merely widened and leaned close, carefully pecking his lips without much hesitation.

I'd wanted to do that for who knows how long now.

Still beaming, I whispered gleefully, "I love you too. So, so much."


Author's Note:

Hello once again! I'm here with a one-shot requested by SuperLuigiFangirl01

This one was a little difficult for me to write, seeing as it's about that womanizer Ash befriended early on that I grew up watching as a kid. Brock has always seemed like the most humorous character to me, with his 'jelly donuts' and 'drying pans'.

That leads to today's question for you to answer! Who is your favorite of Ash's traveling companions? I personally am fond of Misty and Dawn and... I swear, I'm forgetting someone. Right! Lana!

Oh, which reminds me. Did you know that Ash's voice actor, Veronica Taylor, also was the voice for May and Delia? She'd be basically talking to herself the entire Gen 3 series.

Anyway... I've been trying to upload a picture, and now it's finally working after many tries. My internet has been weird as of late.

See you,

Word count: 1178 words


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