Leon x Reader || A Hasty Confession

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"You were told to stay put,"

I shake my head furiously at the calm, high voice of the blond attendant at the bottom of Rose Tower restricting my access. "Let me through, Olena!" I pout, crossing my arms over my chest refusing to budge. "If Galar is truly enduring such a shocking tragedy, then I should think you would allow me to aid the protecting effort!"

"No means no. The Champion has explicitly instructed me to forbid you from interacting with Eternatus, the Darkest Day." She tosses her lengthy, wavy locks behind her slender back. Oleana doesn't give me a second glance, instead slowly shifting her focus to the sheets of paper she was working on as if her secretary duties came before the end of the world.

"How in the world can you be so calm?" I slam the palms of my hands on the surface of her glass desk, rattling everything that sat atop it.

She didn't respond, again, instead, simply signed off another document, and flipped to the next page.

"Are you listening to me at all?" I raise my voice a tad bit higher, and the woman finally sighs and sets down her work.

Her dull, emerald green gaze meets my determined, (e/c) one head on. Her bright red lipsticked lips parted to confirm once more, "I am confident in Leon's abilities, as is the Chairman. You should believe in him too."

"I still want to help!" I protest.

"You should know him better than anyone, (Y/N). He's undefeatable. There's absolutely no reason to worry."

"No!" I now am shouting, causing Oleana to subtly flinch. "He needs help!"

"And what, if I may ask, would lead you to think that?" Her dead, emotionless tone tells me that she's only poking fun at me now — knowing fully well I didn't enjoy being made a fool of.

"He... he only brought Charizard!" I spat, my blood boiling. Why wouldn't this lady let me through? "There's no way in heck he can win against that gigantic demon of a Pokemon. It's going to destroy the world if no one else does anything!"

"Is that so...?" She asks, a bored drone audible in her tone.

"It's true, I swear-!" Before I could complete my sentence, a loud crashing sound came from the direction of the elevator, which promptly opened, releasing a young male, who I recognized immediately.

"Hop!" I cry, rushing over to the purple-haired little brother of my crush, the one and only Champion of the region of Galar, Leon. Observing my rival's ragged demeanor, I urgently put a hand on the tattered boy's shoulder. "What happened up there?"

"I..." He inhaled heavily. "I was no match for that thing. The Darkest Day, or whatever."

After all the time I've known Hop, I'd hardly ever seen him so downcast. "How's Leon?"

His golden-brown eyes met mine, and the worry I saw reflected there was extremely concerning, to say the very least. He wasn't just miserable because of his defeat. Leon really was in trouble, just like I had been trying to explain to Oleana.

Whipping around to face Oleana, I waste no time sticking my tongue out at her. "I'm going, whether you like it or not!"

"Wait, (Y/N)!" Both the lady at the front desk and Hop's voice call after me in sync, but I was already smashing the buttons on the sleek wall of the elevator.

I swing my (f/c) mini backpack around and shuffle around its content's holding my team in my hand, confidence growing as the steel doors slide shut, and my ascent begins. I could do this. I had my ace Pokemon, the partner I'd received from Leon at the start of my journey, which had just recently evolved into a Cindrace.

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