Chapter 5

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Jia Xuan kept on killing the opponents with no mercy. On the other hand, Hierophant kept on helping her by taking some damage. Soon the mid lanes towers were almost half damage and Jia Xuan haven't gotten killed yet.

"Xuan Xuan, come help here, the top lane!" En Shuo said, Top laner, ID: XBANG.

"Coming, coming!" Jia Xuan said after killing some creeps.

She went to the top lane and started killing fast. She killed Jian Yang again. Jia Xuan smirked.

"Your top lane is clear now, good luck in farming," Jia Xuan said leaving the top lane and going to the bot lane.

"Xuan Xuan, your mid lane is not guarded," Liang Sheng said.

"It is okay, I'll kill those creeps later," Jia Xuan said.

"No, stay there. We need to get the Orochi later. You need to be on stand-by," Hierophant said.

"Fine, I shall just kill people now," Jia Xuan said, acting like a child who is mad. They all giggled.

After some time, CK became stronger and started to target Jia Xuan. Jia Xuan got killed once. She was fine with it.

"Now, go to the Orochi. Hide behind the bushes. Jia Xuan distract them by letting them kill you," Hierophant said.

"Excuse me, you want me to sacrifice my life for you?" Jia Xuan said in Korean where only En Shuo and Hierophant could understand.

"Just go," Hierophant said, secretly smiling, knowing that she could speak Korean.

Jia Xuan sighed. She went to the Orochi and killed 3 members as fast as she could. Soon the others barged in and got the Orochi. In the end, they won the entire game. Jia Xuan took out the headphones and rubbed her wrist. She hasn't tell Ai Jia something is wrong with her hand. On the other hand, Hierophant was suspecting something.

"Good game. Jiao Huang, how is your experience with playing with my sister?" Ai Jia asked.

"Can," Hierophant said, walking up to his room.

Jia Xuan stared at him. Jia Xuan said that she needs to go before she gets a bad scolding by Xiao Rui. She went back to the ZGDX house and quickly went back to her room. She quickly took out her medical document and stared at it.


"Hand injury. Not that serious however if you still want to game, I advise you not to. It will worsen it. If you feel pain after gaming long, stop playing it even if you are in the middle of it," the doctor said.

"You mean that I can't game that well anymore?" Jia Xuan said.

"Yes," the doctor said.

Tears welled up. Jia Xuan thanked the doctor and left. She couldn't play that well anymore.

She was in Korea for her second year in college. She got into a fight where she slapped her most hated person and gets deep cut back when her enemy sliced through using a knife.  She cried in pain while the girl was brought to the police.

End of flashback.

Jia Xuan cried softly in her room. No one knows about what had happened. She kept it as a secret.

The next day, Jia Xuan went down to see everyone playing their game. She sat down not wanting to play because she want her hand to recover for a while. However to her dismay, God Ming said he needed to train Jia Xuan and someone will be back.

To their surprise, Lao Mao came out of no where.

Lao K ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Who missed me? I am back to be a substitute for dear missy and her official tutor," Lao Mao said proudly.

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