Chapter 59

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"Nice, here you go God Ming. Here you go Xiao Pang. Lao Mao. Lao K. Lu Yue and Jia Xuan," Xiao Rui said, handing them the candy.

"Thank you very much Xiao Rui," Jia Xuan said, as she took the candy before walking into the villa. She placed her bag down and went to look for some drinks in the fridge.

"Lao K, what did you buy again?" Lao Mao asked as he place the box down on the table.

"Facial Mask. Mihoo (XiaoMihoo)," Lao K said.

"Are you crazy? Who are you calling Mihoo (XiaoMihoo)," Lao Mao said. Gay panic Jia Xuan thought to herself.

"You got closer after the competition to the point where you're giving each other nicknames?" Xiao Pang questioned.

"동성애 공황 (Gay Panic)," Jia Xuan said as she walked over, looking at the two.

"Shut up," Lao Mao said.

"This is the Mihoo facial mask that I just bought. Staying up late training every night makes my skin very dry. The hydrating effect of this Mihoo facial mask is really good," Lao K explained, as he threw a few packs to Jia Xuan, her effortlessly catching it.

"I'll get myself hydrated too," Xiao Pang said as he helped himself with a few packs.

"Mihoo (XiaoMihoo), do you want to try?" Lao K asked.

"Is this good? *Pause* Are you saying the name of the mask or are you calling me that," Lao Mao questioned. Lao K chuckled.

"Lao Mao's reaction is so slow," Tong Yao fired.

"You should keep your mouth shut too," Lao Mao shouted.

"Everyone!" Xiao Rui shouted.

"After our game today, we're about to enter the Grand Finals. I would like to remind everyone YQCB is no longer the team that fights to survive relegation. They defeated FNC and progressed to the Grand Finals with us," God Ming reminded.

"Coming back to what's important. From now on, till the Grand Finals, our entire base will go through closed training," Xiao Rui said.

"What kind of closed training," Lao K questioned.

"Is the club going to pay everything for us?" Xiao Pang questioned.

"The details of how the closed training will be are about the same as guarding a spy. For example, you can't eat, shop, and talk to the lady boss next door. You are not allowed to discuss strategies with the excuse of capturing dolls with your ex-teammate and current opponent next to you. You are not allowed to go on dates with the ADC and not allowed to go and steal food from the Mid. Also, Dabing and Little Shallot have to be grounded too. They are not allowed to interact with the cats that belong to the Mid and ADC next door," Xiao Rui explained.

"Wait, you are grounding the cats too?!" Tong Yao screeched.

"Yah, why are you separating me and Jiao Huang. Why are you separating my love to XiaoKaiKai? What did XiaoKaiKai do to you?" Jia Xuan whined since she stayed too quiet.

"XiaoKaiKai?" Lao Mao looked at her.

"XiaoKaiKai is Ai Jia's cat. Little Jake is Jiao Huang's cat," Jia Xuan explained, "XiaoKaiKai and Little Jake will be so sad. They won't eat properly because I am not there." Xiao Rui was speechless.

"Hey, is the competition more important or is the cat more important?" Lu Yue questioned.

"Jiao Huang?" Jia Xuan said, innocently, resulting in having them to sigh loudly while Lu Yue lightly banged his head against the wall.

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