Chapter 36

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"Tong Yao, we are talking for real now. He cares for you," Jia Xuan said.

"Shut up," Tong Yao spat.

"I am being nice,' Jia Xuan said.

"He cares. He even bought the porridge and went off early just for you," Jin Yang said. They all agreed.

"What bullshit," Tong Yao said, still not believing.

"Eh, so the porridge is for the Top," Lu Yue said.

"Explains everything," Xiao Pang said.

"Well, has he talk to you?" God Ming asked. Tong Yao shakes her head.

"Poor girl has to avoid him you know? I had to rush from neighbour's villa to accompany her," Jia Xuan said.

"I came here to accompany her then go look for Ai Jia," Jin Yang said.

"Seriously, how long are you guys going to stop talking to each other?" Xiao Pang asked.

"I am impressed by the two of you," Lao K said.

"Impressed by two sick wild dogs," Jia Xuan said. Lao K and Lu Yue chuckled.

"To be honest, you two cannot avoid each other again and again, you know that right?" Lao Mao said.

"Very true," Xiao Rui said.

"Shall I talk to my Ge about talking to you?" Lu Yue asked.

"I agree, Lu Yue do it," Jia Xuan said.

"Seriously, you two. The feelings are just like that already," Xiao Pang said.

"I bet my position in ZDGX that they will be together soon. Not only that, but they will also get married in the end," Jia Xuan said.

"I bet on my life for the same thing what Jia Xuan said," Lu Yue said.

"Guess the real maknae," Jin Yang said.

"What is maknae," Xiao Pang asked.

"Youngest," Jia Xuan said, making them have the 'O' shape placed on their mouth.

"We give up," Lu Yue said leaving the scene.

"This is a difficult relationship," Lao Mao said, as they all leave the scene.

"See, the reason why you need to fix that relationship of yours," Jia Xuan said as she patted Tong Yao's shoulder leaving the place.

<><><TIME SKIPS><><>


"Good afternoon. This is the live stage of the 2020 OPL National Championship. Group A's match between Team Obsidian and Team ZGDX..."

"Well, if Lu Yue isn't going to play well, I will expose him," Jia Xuan said not looking at the screen unlike Tong Yao and Xiao Rui, "Guys, you have to chill and relax. Don't be so tense."

"Don't worry, our club has notified them. They all won't mention your suspension," Xiao Rui said, staring at Tong Yao and Jia Xuan.

"Thank you, Xiao Rui," Tong Yao awkwardly said.

"Xiao Rui, thanks," Jia Xuan said, still looking at her phone.

"Uh, hello?" Someone from the door talks. They turned their head and saw Chun Fang standing over there.

"Fang Fang, why are you here?" Jia Xuan asked, standing up to bring her to sit next to her.

"I wanted to come here to support Lu Yue," Chun Fang said, "Is my baby ok? I heard that girl made your face." She quickly look at the tiny scratch that Lao K made a fuss about.

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