Chapter 19

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"This is a place in heaven," Xiao Pang said, running to the food area.

"This is perfect for photo taking," Jia Xuan said.

"Lao Mao, c'mon," Lao K shouted, pulling Lao Mao with him.

"Hold on a minute," Lao Mao screamed.

"Why am I here?" Lu Yue asked.

"You are here to be my assistant for taking photos and all. Plus, there are like some games. Maybe you can play some and win something for like my best friend," Jia Xuan said.

"Oh yeah, coming right up," Lu Yue said, running with Jia Xuan.

"Wait then where are all... God Ming, want to go together," Xiao Rui ask.

"No," God Ming said, pushing Xiao Rui away and going to Xiao Pang.

"Hey, you guys," Xiao Rui whined.

"LU YUE, I swear you better take the photo nicely. IF NOT I WILL KILL YOU," Jia Xuan said.

"Okok, relax. You are my goddess but your second because in first place is Chun Fang," Lu Yue said, trying to get perfect angles.


"JUST SMILE WILL YOU," Lu Yue shouted.

"Hmph," Jia Xuan said, posing for the picture.

After like for a while of photo taking, there are like more people coming in which made the place even louder. YQCB came in being very extra once again. They came in with a scream and when it is a scream, it is a very, very, very loud scream.

"Is that even your brother," Lu Yue asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I think from now on don't call me Jia Xuan, call me Ji-Hae now," Jia Xuan said.

"You trying not to be part of the entire embarrassment right," Lu Yue said.

"Yeah," Jia Xuan said, running away.

"Hey, you," Lu Yue shouted seeing Jia Xuan running away.

"Hey, Lu Yue right?" ??? said.

"What- Chun Fang?!" Lu Yue shouted, turning around.

"Yeah, hey," Chun Fang said.

"Umm, why are you here?" Lu Yue asked.

"Oh, my manager suggested that I have fun because you know people die from stress. So that is why I am here," Chun Fang said.

"What a kind manager. I wish mine was that kind, he is a monster," Lu Yue said.

"You said who is a monster," ??? said.

"What- Xiao Rui. Umm, I meant that my Ge is a monster. No expression at all," Lu Yue said, trying to hide everything he said.

"Oh so I am a good manager," Xiao Rui stared.

"Xiao Rui-ah, help me choose what to eat," Xiao Pang shouted.

"Coming," Xiao Rui shouted back walking away.

"Phew," Lu Yue said. Chun Fang giggled.

"What is so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just too cute," Chun Fang said, making Lu Yue blush.


"Jia Jia!!!" Jia Xuan shouted.

"How come Xuan Xuan comes earlier than us," En Shuo said.

"You pabo, her team came here faster duh," Jiao Huang said.

"Yeah, unlike you guys being so slow like a turtle," Jia Xuan said.

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