Chapter 58

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"Team CK. They're our old rivals. You guys understand them well. Both teams have an equal chance of winning the match, especially God Yang and Ming Ze. They've been performing exceptionally in the elimination round. What do you guys think? Are you guys confident?" God Ming questioned.

"Of course," Lu Yue said out loud, smiling happily.

"Of course, is true. But why smile so happy for? Because of your dear relationship being exposed sooo early and having the company, specifically our mom, approving my dear Chun Fang?" Jia Xuan said. Lu Yue rolled his eyes and nodded his head.

"Why do I feel nervous," Xiao Pang said.

"Calm down," Lu Yue said, patting his back.

"CK isn't hard to beat. Quite easily actually. They are quite easy to beat if you know every of their secret strategy. I can bribe them if you want me to. Bribe them by telling us what shikigami they are going to use. I don't mind helping y'all," Jia Xuan said.

"I swear, you better stop coming up with the weirdest shit on earth. Bribing? No way. We are staying pure," Xiao Rui said.

"Whatt, just suggesting. There is no harm to it at all. Plus, not as if I am serious about it," Jia Xuan said.

"Yeah sure. You always say that, but head off to do the most idiotic stuffs on earth," Lao K said. Jia Xuan groaned and glared at Lao K, who merely just shrugged his shoulder.

"Wait till I murder you in your sleep," Jia Xuan mumbled.

"Lao K, lock the door today, Xiao Xuan is about to murder you and me," Lao Mao said, concern. Lao K nodded his head jokingly as if he believes that Jia Xuan will do it before looking at the stack of papers where it was all of the details of CK's members and playing methods.

<><><TIME SKIPS><><>

Jia Xuan was already very ready to get on stage since Ming Ze already told her what Shikigami he was going to use later. She was blowing some gum while having her hands in her pocket, her pocket was filled with sweets, just for her to entertain herself for later.

"How many sweet stash do you have?" Xiao Pang questioned, "Every time I turn around to see you, you always have some sweets in your mouth."

"Loads. Don't tell Ai Jia I am having a lot of sweets though. I swear I might get murdered by him," Jia Xuan said.

"I will tell then," Cheng Ge simply said, after giving Tong Yao a peck on the lips.

"Ew, not in front of me," Jia Xuan gagged as she stares at the couple.

"Team CK has banned Arakawa Lord, Tamanoe No Mae and Shuten Doji. Seems like they are afraid of ZGDX's Mid."

"Jia Xuan, let's ban Aobozu and Satori," God Ming said.

"Ok," Jia Xuan replied back.

"Let's ban Yamakaze as well," God Ming continued.

"Team ZGDX banned Satori, Yamakaze and Aobozu."

"Jian Yang picked Ubeme? Not bad at all. He wants to survive badly. Did you jot this down in your diary?" Cheng Ge questioned.

"Can you please stop mentioning it at this moment. You need to see the situation your in first before getting jealous," Tong Yao said.

"Jia Xuan, Susabi is free. Do you want to pick it," God Ming asked.

"Can Susabi lane against Kiyohime. I think it is pretty difficult," Jia Xuan said.

"But you are DarkFairy, the legendary goddess of Mid," Xiao Pang said.

"Aww, thank you for that compliment even though I am the only girl who plays Mid in tournaments," Jia Xuan smiled.

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