Chapter 41

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"Xu Tai Lun is in trouble!" Lao Mao shouted, making everyone crowd around, well except for Cheng Ge, "Look at this."

[Evidence of Xu Tai Lun's affair]

(Xu Tai Lun is cheating on his girlfriend)

(Xu Tai Lun deceived his fans.)

(We have pictures of his affairs.)

(He's a despicable liar.)...

"Woahhh, Xu Tai Lun is dead meat now," Jia Xuan chuckled.

"He was dead the entire time girl," Lu Yue said.

"Ah yes, indeed. The moment I kick him at his there, he probably died already," Jia Xuan proudly said. 

"You kick at his where?!" Lao K shouted for the first ever time.

"His part," Jia Xuan said.

"Xiao Rui, I think Xiao Xuan got possessed by a ghost," Xiao Pang screamed, "She is not right in her mind right now- OWWWWW" Jia Xuan pinch his arm.

"Not right in my mind?" Jia Xuan asked.

"No, no, no, you are very right in your mind," Xiao Pang said. Jia Xuan let go.

"Eh, D.Q. Five's Jungler is sleeping with his fan," Lao Mao said. Xiao Pang and Xiao Rui eyes widen. Jia Xuan looks disgusted. 

"Hold on, let me vomit," Jia Xuan said, seeing the post of the fan, "This is cringe. Let me vomit blood first."

"I get you," Lu Yue said, patting her shoulder.

"Don't tell me this username is the fan who is in love with Xu Tai Lun," Lao Mao asked, "She even bought him clothes. Why aren't my fans buying me clothes?"

"It's because you don't have any fans," Lao K sarcastically said.

"But I have you," Lao Mao said. The people slightly rolled their eyes and sighed. 

"Haiyah, blame him for being stupid to date Ning Jia Qi. That bastard, is like nope," Jia Xuan sighed, walking away.

"You all are nosey," Tong Yao said.

"I'm going out," Jia Xuan said, "Cheng Ge, fighting." Tapping his shoulder and walking out.

"Why did you give that girl money? You should give me. She is literally rich like hell," Tong Yao whined.

"Noisy," Cheng Ge said, looking back at his PC.

<><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><>

Jia Xuan gets out of her car and sighed. She look at the building. Just then, car engine comes. Jiao Huang came out of one of the taxi and Chun Fang comes out of hers. 

"How are you leave us. You promised us that we will follow you to check," Chun Fang said.

"나는 당신을 따르겠다고 약속하고 여기 있습니다 (I promise you that I will follow you, and here I am)," Jiao Haung said, squeezing her hand.

"Whatever happens, we will be there with you," Chun Fang said. Jia Xuan smiled. They slowly walk into the hospital. They registered and waited for Jia Xuan's number.

After few moments later, the screen comes up with Jia Xuan's number. Jia Xuan look up as her number is being displayed on the screen. She took a deep breathe in and stood up. Jiao Huang followed her along with Chun Fang. 

"Ah, hello, Ms Ai. You are here for a x-ray before meeting Doctor Chen, am I right?" The nurse asked.

"Indeed," Jia Xuan said. The nurse gestured Jia Xuan to the place to get her x-ray done. Jiao Huang smiled softly at her. Chun Fang showed a thumbs up sign at her. Soon it was over and Jia Xuan walked out of the room. 

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