Chapter 48

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"Yao Yao, how are you not asleep yet," Jia Xuan said, hands filled with bags of cosmetics and skincare.

"Cheng Ge was just calling me," Tong Yao said, placing her phone down. Jia Xuan gave her a look.

"Goodnight call? Soo not Cheng Ge. Sounds like you have grab him in your grip. A cold, stoic guy to a lovely, clingy guy," Jia Xuan said, "How nice." Tong Yao threw the pillow at her before rolling her eyes.

"You should keep quiet. Your Jiao Huang baobei never call you yet?" Tong Yao sarcastically said.

"Eh, shut up. Just because my relationship everyone knows, doesn't give you the rights to question me like that." Jia Xuan said, charging her phone, "Start dreaming that you're at Cheng Ge's room having se-"

"Don't you dare to finish that word. Plus me and him haven't done it yet..."

"Ew yucks. You're actually thinking in having it with him. If you're going to do it, Please make sure to use protection," Jia Xuan said, "And don't even think about using my room to do it."

"No, we won't. We assure you that it won't happen," Tong Yao said, "Xiao Pang knows by the way."


"He well umm, saw us well umm, kissing outside," Tong Yao gulped.

"Oooo. Let me guess you were this close to make out," Jia Xuan said.

"Hey, shut up. Anyways, I am going to bed before you say any more nonsense," Tong Yao said, turning off her light side.

"Sure night," Jia Xuan said. She then went to the bathroom to shower and change. She then went to her bed and laid down before drifting off to bed.

<><><NEXT DAY><><>

"Let me see if there is anyone in the room," Jin Yang said.

"There is, the pig over there," Tong Yao said, making the camera face at Jia Xuan's bed which Jia Xuan was lying down, talking to Jiao Huang on the phone.

"Shush, it is only 9am, don't nag at me right in the morning," Jia Xuan whispered.

"But I miss you too much. Did you know, my wallpaper is your photo now? Because I miss you too much," Jiao Huang said over the phone. Jia Xuan giggled.

"Guess what, my wallpaper is my photo," Jia Xuan said.

"Excuse me?! Do you not miss me?!" Jiao Huang dramatically said.

"Joking, I love you. Now I got to get changed before I am late... Bye. By the way, the wallpaper is your photo," Jia Xuan said, before ending the call.

"Hey, you take very long to talk to your boyrfriend huh?" Tong Yao said.

"He misses me. Be glad that your boyfriend is here, next door. Unlike mine who is all the way at ShenZhen," Jia Xuan said, getting up and going to the toilet. She decided to wear a jacket with cargo pants with a top.

She quickly then went to do her light make up before walking out of the hotel.

<><><TIME SKIPS><><>

Jia Xuan was done doing the fan-meeting and the entire people were going shopping.

"Lao K, how about we go get gifts for YQCB people," Jia Xuan asked. Lao K nodded his head before walking to the store where there is a food store. Jia Xuan basically placed every single item in the basket while Lao Mao and Lao K were suffering by carrying the basket for Jia Xuan.

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