Chapter 20

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"Hey everyone! This is your Jia Xuan over here. So basically, my manager said to do a 45 hours live, my KPI. I don't want my money to die so I will need to live stream right? I have like 30 more hours to do. PLEASE I FREAKING BEG YOU GUYS TO PLEASE SEND ME GIFTS. MAKE MY KPI GO DOWN! I BEG YOU GUYS PLEASE. EACH GOOD GIFTS ARE 1 HOUR DOWN. PLEASE I BEG YOU GUYS. Anyways, let us start with me eating," Jia Xuan said.

Comments: Normal.

Jia Xuan: Bold

chocolate: Where is Smiling's dog?

Jia Xuan: Where is it? It is at the house. Probably sleeping.

live_lots_laugh: What is that drink looks nice.

txt_no1_fan: 떡볶이인가

Jia Xuan: Is that tteokbokki? Yeah it is. Do you like your tteokbokki with extra cheese though.

dark_lover: Yeah, extra cheese nice.

hater-fairy: Your're useless. Who the hell eats tteokbokki with cheese.

Jia Xuan: For your info, cheese is heaven so you better keep that mouth of yours shut before I get some police to get you for saying bad things about me.

hater-fairy: You- B****

ice_cream: You are then a mf b****

chocolate_forlife: Yeah, b****

Jia Xuan: Relax guys, I just want to-


"Jia Xuan where are you? There is a drama right now," Lu Yue said.

"Coming," Jia Xuan said, bringing her phone along with her.

"My hand just slipped," Tong Yao said.

"Is that your mental state?" Cheng Ge asked.

"Your opponent chose Aoandon and you chose Enma, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Ge asked, "Choose Kiyohime."

"Since I said Ah Tai, there are 7 lines of 28 soldiers and you missed 15. If I were your teammate, I'd be AFK," Cheng Ge said.

"Cut it out! My soldiers-"

"Now its 16," Cheng Ge said.

"You'll be level six if you make the last hit. Jungle is on his way. Why are you panicking?" Cheng Ge said, sipping his coffee.

"Why did you run away as soon as you got attacked?" Cheng Ge asked, "Why do you only look at your experience bar instead of your teammates positions? Are you an amature player? What did Ah Tai do to you? Did he kill someone or something? Why are you so afraid of him?"

"Stop babbling. I'm about to take off," Tong Yao said, trying to concentrate on the game.

"Aww, couple fight is just cute," Jia Xuan said, saying to her fans.

"Yeah, I know right," Lu Yue replied back.

"Look at you. Open your pig eyes and look the other way. Where is Ah Tai?" Cheng Ge said.

"Lu Si Cheng, can you just keep quiet," Tong Yao said.

"Tsk, Tong Yao don't be rude to your ship," Lu Yue said.

"Bai guys, I thank you all for watching this cute couple here. Remember #ChengYao. BAIIIIIII," Jia Xuan said, turning off her livestream, "Xiao Rui-ah, deduct a total of 15 hours from me. I got like too many gifts."

'Huh, since when, you just filmed for like a good 30 minutes," Xiao Rui said.

"You don't know that Jia Xuan can get lots of special gifts which will deduct her hours easily so now she has 15 more hours left," Lu Yue said.

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