Chapter 63

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Jia Xuan opened her eyes as the white light flash her eyes. It was over. All over. She went to do the surgery. "Xiao Xuan, how are you?" Jiao Huang asked as he looked at the girl who was laying on the bed. Jia Xuan groaned.

"Did I survive? How is my wrist? Did it survive?" Jia Xuan asked as she tried to get up. Jiao Huang nodded with happiness.

"You did survive. That includes your wrist. Both of it survived," Jiao Huang said, holding onto her other hand.  Jia Xuan lightly smiled.

"She is alive and kicking?!" Ai Jia shouted as he nearly kicked the door down and saw the two.

"I knew she would survive," En Shuo said.

"I think Ai Jia wants her dead," Rong Rong said, following En Shuo behind.

"Bullshit, he was panicking and worried about you. Don't listen to this two nonsense," Liang Sheng said. Jia Xuan merely just chuckled.

<><><TIME SKIPS><><>

"How the hell am I suppose to propose to her? Flowers with a ring?" Ai Jia panicked.

"Yes, I think we should do it like that. Honestly, that is the best idea," En Shuo said. Rong Rong shook his head.

"We shouldn't this basic proposal thingy. I suggest we do it with loads of diamonds around and pictures around while you propose to her in a loving way," Rong Rong said. They look at him weirdly.

"That is still too basic," Liang Sheng sighed. Jiao Huang continued to feed Jia Xuan with strawberries with chocolate over it, completely ignoring the four of them.

"Hey! Instead of feeding each other, how about you give me some ideas for my proposal," Ai Jia shouted at them.

"I am not feeding. My wrist is still recovering," Jia Xuan said innocently. It was a fact that she was still in the hospital recovering because Jiao Huang wouldn't want her to go back without no professional people over there to take care of her.

"You want an idea?" Jiao Huang asked, "I suggest you go bring her to Korea or some-"

"I don't want to go to Korea to propose to her," Ai Jia said. Jia Xuan suddenly had an idea and snapped her finger.

"I just got the perfect idea for you," Jia Xuan said smirking.

<><><5 Days later><><>

Jia Xuan place the final photos of Ai Jia and Jin Yang on the clip as she looked around the place. It was the university where Ai Jia and Jin Yang first met each other. Sakura and pink roses were all over the area, origami butterflies hanging onto strings that were tied on hooks. Every turn there is a photo of Ai Jia and Jin Yang over there. Different kinds of languages saying 'I love you' that are written everywhere. Two cute cat pictures were over there, Jin Yang's cat and Ai Jia's cat.

"You shouldn't be doing too much work already, rest the wrist," Jiao Huang whispers to Jia Xuan's ear, back hugging her.

"I'm fine. No worries," Jia Xuan said as she look around.

"Do you want this to be how I propose to you when I get to marry you?" Jiao Huang asked.

"No. I don't want it like that. I want it to be different. Something that is special for me and you," Jia Xuan said.

"I'll marry you soon. Soon," Jiao Haung said, pecking her cheeks.

"Yah, get off me. Ai Jia is going to need to propose to her soon," Jia Xuan said, walking away. Ai Jia was walking in circles, trying to remember what he was going to talk.

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