Chapter 24

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"Bye people, going to my room and never coming out ever again!" Jia Xuan said, running back to her room.

"This kid is really something," Xiao Rui said.

"She is a kid after all," Tong Yao said.

"She is just too precious," Xiao Pang said.

"Ewwww, who the hell will say that in front of her best friend," Tong Yao said.

"She is the kid in the group, so we need to protect her at all costs," Xiao Pang said.

"Like as if you do protect her," Lao K spat at Xiao Pang.

"My heart," Xiao Pang said, showing a broken heart.

"Tsk... Ouch my god damn ears," Lao Mao said.

"I think we won't be having any sleep today," God Ming said.

"Someone tell her to lower down the volume of her guitar," Cheng Ge said annoyingly.

"How to tell her though?" Tong Yao asked.

"Ask Ai Jia to call her to lower down the volume," Lao K said.

"Or we should call Jiao Huang to call her to lower the volume," Lu Yue said.

"Very good idea," Tong Yao said, "You call him."

"What- I don't even have his number," Lu Yue said, "How about you call instead."

"I only have Ai Jia's number," Tong Yao said.

"Forget about it, we don't even have Jiao Huang's number, unless..." Lu Yue said, staring at Cheng Ge, "Ge, how about you help us call him to come? You have his number. Please help us."

"Why should I help you? You can just go to their base, it is literally exactly right next to us," Cheng Ge said.

"Because we are tired and too full, plus, I am pretty sure you want your beauty sleep, am I right?" Lu Yue said.

"Fine," Cheng Ge said, taking out his phone and texting Jiao Huang. Within a few minutes, Jiao Huang came.

"Oh my god, Jiao Huang my buddy! Please tell Jia Xuan to lower down her guitar volume. It is really loud," Lu Yue said.

"Who is your buddy," Cheng Ge said.

"안녕 (bye)," Jiao Huang said, going up to Jia Xuan's room.

"Let the show begin," Lu Yue said, clapping his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jiao Haung asked.

"Just playing my guitar, why?" Jia Xuan asked.

"Your people are saying that you are way too loud and need to lower down the volume," Jiao Huang said.

"So, they force you to come to my room to tell me this?" Jia Xuan asked.

"Exactly," Jiao Huang said.

"Literally, they are really old. They can't even handle this noise," Jia Xuan said, lowering her volume down.

"Where is your acoustic guitar?" Jiao Huang asked, seating next to her.

"Over there," Pointing at the corner.


Jia Xuan started to play the guitar again playing some random songs.

"What do you think the couple are doing up there?" Tong Yao asked.

"Something. They are probably doing something," Lu Yue said, staring at his phone.

"Who are you texting?" Tong Yao asked.

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