Chapter 51

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"Attack it," Lu Yue said, eating his chips.

"Shut up," Tong Yao said.

"Yao Yao, he is helping you. Plus, I doubt you want to like die in the match since the entire world knows you and Cheng Ge are together," Jia Xuan said.

"Hello? I was playing just now, I didn't see it. I told it wasn't. You made the wrong guess on your own. Why are you blaming me? That little girl?" Cheng Ge said, looking at Tong Yao before placing a kiss on her cheek, "Yeah. That girl is Tong Yao. Yes. I know she looks young, but she's over 18 years old. I'm not committing a crime. What do you mean by that sound? I just kissed her. What? You're coming to ShenZhen? Why are you coming to ShenZhen? Don't scare her. Why do you want to know what her family does for a living? Can you stop acting like a nosey woman? If you continue this, I'll hang up on you."

"Ge that's mom, right?" Lu Yue asked, "Dad saw it as well. He said you didn't pick up his call."

"Scram," Cheng Ge merely said.

"My brother has been on the phone for a while now. I'm sure his thirsty. I am thirsty too. Including Jia Xuan. Get the three of us honey water," Lu Yue said. Jia Xuan nodded.

"I need the honey water because it was very tiring to keep your relationship forever," Jia Xuan said. Lu Yue nodded.

"You guys wish," Tong Yao said.

"I'm your future brother-in-law. If you don't please me now, I'll make your life difficult for you in the future-" Lu Yue couldn't say it finished it because of someone throwing their bloody cushion to Lu Yue's face.

"Hey, Cheng Ge, I suggest you don't murder him anymore. My best friend can't die," Jia Xuan said, taking the cushion away from Lu Yue's face.

"Xiao Rui, what are you doing?" Lu Yue asked.

"I am searching as apartment for Tong Yao. I want her to move out as soon as possible," Xiao Rui said.

"Just because they are together. And show PDA in front of us and the public? Help- That is barely anything. Even if you try to separate them, no matter how many locks or passwords, this stupid naive girl will open the door for the stoic guy," Jia Xuan said.

"My mom insisted in coming to ShenZhen," Cheng Ge said.

"That means that you are going to meet his mom... Oh my gosh lucky. I have to say this, Jiao Huang wouldn't let me meet his parents anytime soon because of my attitude," Jia Xuan said, walking out of the living room and to the neighbour's house.

"Xuan Xuan, what is going on now. Wait, how long did you know Cheng Ge and Tong Yao's relationship?" Liang Sheng asked, bombarding all the question.

"Interesting question. How about you ask the people themselves," Jia Xuan said. Jiao Huang immediately ran up to her and kissing her lips.

"내가 얼마나 당신을 그리워했는지 당신은 모를 겁니다 (You got no idea how much I missed you)," Jiao Huang whispered. Jia Xuan giggled.

"이제 일주일밖에 안됐는데 (It has only been a week)," Jia Xuan said.

"One week is forever to me," Jiao Huang said, struggling to say in Chinese.

"Ah, your Chinese is so cute," Jia Xuan said. Meanwhile, Ai Jia is grossed out by the couple in front of them, En Shuo and Rong Rong eating their chips slowly as they watch the free C-drama they are seeing. Liang Sheng on the other hand, started to take a video of them, planning to make a video montage with it for their wedding.

"Want to go out?" Jiao Huang asked. Jia Xuan nodded her head, then Jiao Huang pulled her out of the door.

"Sooo, anything exciting for me?" Jia Xuan asked. Jiao Huang chuckled as he just led her to the beach where there are some carnival games. Somehow, wherever they go, there will fans following them. Jiao Huang quickly bought her a Iced Matcha drink as they continued to walk around the area. As they walk on the sand together, Jiao Huang said, "당신은 아이를 원한 적이 있나요 (have you ever wanted kids)?"

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