Chapter 53

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"I'll discuss it with the company and ask them to delete all of the negative remarks for now," Xiao Rui said. Jia Xuan nodded her head. "Everyone should take note of this. You guys shouldn't play with your phone recently. Don't browse Weibo, E-sport Farm, and similar forums for now." Jia Xuan's eye suddenly wanted to pop out.

"It's all for you sake. Don't browse the internet and focus on the tournament. Don't read those malicious remarks. If not it will affect your mentality," God Ming said.

"Whether you check your phone or not, it doesn't matter. It'll be fine as long as we win our next match. By then, they'll shut themselves up. In e-sports, we use our hands to create results, not our mouth. Understood?" Cheng Ge said. They all nodded. Which also answered to Jia Xuan's questions.

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"Your opposite laner isn't on his lane," Cheng Ge said, "Jia Xuan, go to the top Jungle once you finish your creep wave."

"Roger that," Jia Xuan said.

"Now, the score is 1:0. Will Team ZGDX, who was victorious in the first round, be able to take the advantage of this situation and win this round?" The host questions.

"Judging from how both teams are currently doing, Team ZGDX is doing better compared to their previous match..."

Kun looked absolutely flustered when he was dealing with the game. Seo Jun calmed himself down as he tried to slain Jia Xuan but wasn't able to and instead got slain by Jia Xuan herself.

"Let's go Xiao Pang, tank the damage," Cheng Ge shouted.

"완벽한 (Perfect)," Jia Xuan uttered.

"After them," Cheng Ge said and there goes Tong Yao killing another person while chasing them.

"Xiao Pang follow me," Tong Yao shouted.

"Coming," Xiao Pang replied.

"What did I say again? Today is Smiling's day indeed. In the last team fight, not only did she protect Chessman but also killed her opponents." Tong Yao and Cheng Ge looked at each other, smiling before looking back at their PC.

"Seriously, I get it. Y'all are together. Don't need to show your relationship to the public. You guys are just trying to make us people feel single. Please consider those who are not in a relationship, that their mental health aren't as strong as mine," Jia Xuan commented, fake gagging. Lao K chuckled at her.

"Let's just get going. The ADC's girlfriend is going to the MVP area for their interview winning in the match," Lao K whispered, pulling Jia Xuan away and soon as they bowed down to their fans, thanking their support before walking away to the lounge.

"So is Jiao Huang still your boyfriend or what?" Xiao Pang asked. Jia Xuan looked at him with a stern face. "He is still in probation even though we are starting to become back to like how we used to be like..." Jia Xuan said.

"You kissed him again. Even during probation period. Unbelievable," Lao Mao said.

"You know why? Because they can't stand each other not being together for even one minute now. They must cuddle and all every single time," Lu Yue said, looking at Jia Xuan's phone, "See, texting him again. Told you." Jia Xuan quickly take away the phone from him, slapping his shoulder lightly.

"Don't Mrs Lu tell you not to look at people's privacy?" Jia Xuan questioned, just then Tong Yao came in, "Tired much? Cheng Ge, give her a cuddle right now."

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Largely hate comments about ZGDX. Every single group made a group live-stream to defend ZGDX, mainly about Cheng Ge and Tong Yao.

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