Chapter 38

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"Welcome to the live stage of OPL 2020. I'm your host, Xi Zhe. Today, Team ZGDX will be facing against Team DQ. Five in a fierce battle. Both teams are equal in strength. So who will be our winner today? Let's wait and see," Xi Zhe, the host, said, "Let's give a round of applause to our players..." Jia Xuan was smiling at the crowd when she noticed that one person from Team DQ. Five was giving mad looks at Tong Yao.

"I feel nervous for some reason. I don't know what's going on," Tong Yao said as they sat down.

"You're nervous all the time. Are you a rabbit?" Cheng Ge said.

"Yao Yao, DQ. Five's Tai Lun keeps on staring at you. Warning, he might kill you later so don't be angry," Jia Xuan warned.

"Noted," Tong Yao said.

"The match just begun..."

"What are they doing? Where are they?" Tong Yao shouted.

"I don't know," Lao K calmly said.

"Maye they are having a meeting," Xiao Pang suggested.

"Bullshit, they are probably hiding in bushes," Jia Xuan scoffed, "Scaredy cats." Just then, DQ. Five started to charge towards Tong Yao.

"Eh, eh, eh," Tong Yao screeched as she was getting killed by 5 people. Then Tong Yao died.

"Nah shit, I give up, only losers need five people to kill one," Jia Xuan said, her shikigami was at level 3. She quickly hid behind the bushes waiting to attack.

"Xiao Jie Jie, you're so pitiful," Xiao Pang said.

"Five of them are sticking together at the mid lane from the start? What kind of strategy is that?" Tong Yao complained.

"From what I think is that you, Tong Yao, offended the Dragon in the group. Let's see how they deal with the fox of our group," Jia Xuan smirked, attacking DQ. Five's Mid laner, "And that is what you call minimal use of skills and use the brain properly."

"Shut up and continue to play," Cheng Ge spat.

"Relax, I assure you that we will win the game," Jia Xuan assured, farming to level up.

"I knew it," Tong Yao said, as time pass as Tai Lun, the Jungler, kept on targeting her.

"Their Jungler wants to camp our Top," Xiao Pang said, "e Is there any treasure at our Top?"

"Yeah, you guys can take a look. Their Support and Jungler are coming for me," Tong Yao complained.

"So noisy," Cheng Ge said. Just then, Cheng Ge went to help her.

"Eh, eh, eh. Are you guys husband and wife already? Our ADC is helping our Top," Jia Xuan said, seeing Cheng Ge and Tong Yao sharing eye contact.

"Don't forget our AD is at the bot lane," Xiao Pang said.

"Cheng Ge's "a hero saving a damsel in distress" can be the top of Killing Montage of Onmyoji Arena," Jia Xuan said.

"Tong Yao, your items aren't good enough. You don't have damage. Retreat," Cheng Ge commanded as Tai Lun tries to kill Tong Yao.

"I told you to pick Aobozu for me," Tong Yao shouted, as Tai Lun kills her in an instant.

"This Xu Tai Lun has grudges with you since the beginning of the match," Jia Xuan complained, "He kept ganking you."

"Did you have to resort to that," Tong Yao shouted as Tai Lun killed her once again but Lao K went to kill him.

"Tong Yao, trust me and Lao K," Jia Xuan said, "Oh and Cheng Ge." With that being said, the entire team went to push the towers and went into DQ. Five's area.

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