Chapter 52

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"Now, it's a crucial moment for every one of you. If you see any negative comments about you, you must stay calm and be wise," Xiao Rui said. Jia Xuan looked at Lu Yue, Lao K looked at Lao Mao.

"Wise?" Lao K said, looking directly at Lao Mao.

"You mustn't be agitated. Remember, peace and love," Xiao Rui said looking at Cheng Ge.

"Hateful comments? Sureeeee. Stay calm? I doubt," Jia Xuan said, turning her head to the PC.

"Calm down miss," Lu Yue said, "THIS IS SHOCKING NEWS!"

"What..." Jia Xuan lazily said. Her eyes nearly popped out at what she was seeing.

"Are you cheating on Jiao Huang with Ming Ze?" Lu Yue said out loud. Jia Xuan kicked his leg, making him scream.

"I did not. I was just helping him because of him having a blind date," Jia Xuan merely said.

"The comments are saying like you are a sl*t, bi*ch and all," Lu Yue said, scrolling through the article.

"Don't read it anymore, please," Jia Xuan said. Lu Yue looked at her and nodded his head, zipping his mouth. "I'm going to explain it to Jiao Hua-" Jiao Huang came bursting out from the door.

"이게 사실이 아니라고 말해줘 (Tell me this isn't true)," Jiao Huang said, "당신은 나를 속이고 있습니까 (Are you cheating on me)?"

"나는 당신을 속이는 것이 아닙니다 (I am not cheating on you)," Jia Xuan said, holding his hand. Jiao Huang looked at her, eyes filled with anger and sadness.

"I need to sort out what is going on. Maybe let's not see each other for now," Jiao Huang said, letting go of her hand and walking away. Jia Xuan looked at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe that he didn't believe that she didn't do it.

Lu Yue quickly called Chun Fang over the phone to get her here. Jia Xuan slammed the door. Lao Mao and Xiao Pang jumped out of their seat in shocked by the sound. Jia Xuan leaned against the door as she slowly sat down. Tears slowly formed and started to trickle down. Her heart felt as though there was someone who stabbed her right at the chest. No words could explain how she felt. How could Jiao Huang believe that she is cheating on him.

Lao K lightly knocked on the door, no response. No one answered. "She locked it," Lao K said, as Jia Xuan heard muffled sounds at the other side. "Hit the door. Kick the door. Do something," Lu Yue shouted, as he tried to push the door with all his strength. "Xiao Xuan!" Lao K shouted, banging the door with his hands. Tong Yao quickly walked out of her room and looks at the locked door.

"Xiao Xuan, come out," Tong Yao said. Jia Xuan sobbed quietly. It was the same feeling that she felt when Ming Ze left her. A stab in the heart. It felt as though poison was inserted in her heart, the pain was unbearable. Chun Fang then arrived, knocking on the door lightly asking Jia Xuan to come out. "그는 바보입니다 (He is an idiot)," Chun Fang shouted, "그 사람 때문에 울어줄 가치도 없어 (He's not worth crying for)." Lu Yue looked at her cluelessly, not understanding a single word.

"Whatever, Chun Fang just said is absolutely right," Lu Yue shouted, acting as though he understand the language.

"But you don't understand," Jia Xuan shouted back, "Just leave me alone. Please just leave me alone." With that, she went to her bed and laid down. Keeping absolutely quiet as she sobs quietly.

"Get Ai Jia," Lu Yue quickly said, and Tong Yao nodded her head before running out of the villa. Turns out Ai Jia was already outside the villa, directly at Jia Xuan's room outside where the balcony is at.

"That bastard Jiao Huang, I swear I told him a million times just now that Jia Xuan wouldn't do a thing like that. Completely a bastard," Ai Jia mumbled angrily.

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