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Kai's POV:

Ever since Lloyd moved away, everything has been different. Everyone has been acting differently. Mostly Skylar. Ever since that day, she acted like it never happened and now believes everyone should do what she says. Unbelievable. It has only been a month since Lloyd moved out, and in that month. I and Skylar dated for a couple of days but quickly broke up because she was being too toxic.

But none of us could forgive him for what he did.

I'm wondering what Lloyd has been doing now, now that we don't have the green ninja anymore.

"Alert, alert at once!" The alarm went off. I quickly ran to the main area. I saw the rest of the group, including Skylar.
"What's wrong?" Jay asked.

"There seems to be criminal activity at the museum!" We all quickly got off the bounty and fled down with our dragons. It's been a while since we went outside all together. The breeze hit my face as we flew further down.

We arrived at the museum to see it completely destroyed. What or who would have the desire to destroy a place holding ancient history? "Nya and Jay, you guys go check the back of the museum. Cole and Skylar look for the person who did this. Zane, you're with me."

We went our separate ways in two and analysed the area.

"H-help! I'm stuck!" A voice said, shouting underneath some stone. I and Zane quickly ran towards the stress call. It escalated quickly when we got there. we noticed it was a girl shouting, then the museum started to crumble more and she got stuck underneath more stone. Zane and I tried our best to lift the stone. It was heavy, but we saved her.

We both carried and supported her until we were safe outside. "Thank you, thank you," the girl kept saying.

"That's alright, as long as you're safe. It is our duty, " Zane said. When we escaped, we met the rest of the group.
As we sat her down, we got a better look at her. She indeed was pretty whilst she had white long hair and a pretty face. She looked traumatised.

"Hey, what's your name?" Cole kneeled down and asked?

"H-harumi," she stuttered.

"Well, harumi, why don't we take you to the hospital?" He question. Harumi looked up to him in a scared way. She started shaking terribly.

"Can't I stay with you guys just for a while? The group was shocked.

"O-of course!" The earth ninja said, not knowing what to say. Harumi smiled happily. I then noticed that Skylar looked at her suspiciously.

"Another girl? I thought me and Nya were enough." Skylar thought.
Me and the ninja continued our  day at the bounty, planning on how we can improve our elemental power. But we didn’t know that someone was watching us and taking note.

It was finally time for Harumi to go back home.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Nya asked?

"Yes, thank you, everyone." Harumi then left.

Harumi's POV:

I'm back at the headquarters. It was quite interesting playing the victim. Now I have some information. It's not like I don't need it. Then Lloyd walked in. "How was training?" I asked.

"It was good, I have unlocked a part of my Oni side." I was happy that he improved. Just then, I noticed him put his hand up and summoned an energy ball. By his looks, I knew he hated it.

"I just need to get rid of the good side of me," he said.

"No, combine it with your Oni side, and you'll be stronger than anyone. You'll need it." I strongly tell. He just nodded in reply.

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