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Lloyd's POV:

I walk to the new headquarters and open the doors. Mirrors were surrounding the place. I see my reflection. There was the horn, and I looked more closely to see that my left eye was no longer green but dark purple.

I smiled and grabbed my sword. I held it tightly and slashed one of the mirrors, then one by one. My appearance is no longer a human, but an Oni.

"ARGH!" I screamed as I dropped my sword. I just need fresh air, I thought as I ran out of the room. I summon my energy dragon to see its appearance is exactly like mine. I hop on its back, and we flew in the air.

It doesn't matter where we are going. I would rather be lost than found. The windy breeze swept past my face.  I can smell the wind. I can hear every little thing in the air. It soothes my mind. I look down above the clouds. I remember when I rode my dragon, I always accidentally fell off, but I have matured now.

I slowly slid off my energy dragon, and I feel the air and wind mixed and surround me while I fall. I purposely did this for the thrill. I then felt my body lift off the air, and my dragon caught me. I'm glad you didn't turn your back on me, my own dragon. I thought.

Kai's POV:

I realise that the dummy I was training with was torn and in ruins. I just zoned out. I look at my hands, all red and silky blood flowing down.

"Kai? Why are you still outside training, I thought you went with the others to go buy food?" I knew it was Harumi's voice. I turn around. "Oh, I zoned out, sorry." I apologise. She understood.

"What I said earlier to you, I just said it so it doesn't break your heart when you meet each other again." She said, fidgeting with her hands.

"That's alright." I answered."Thank you for worrying about me." I then walked inside to my room. I  locked my door and  turned the light on.

I was about to lay on my bed but entered my bathroom. I looked up to my mirror. My reflection. My appearance. What happened to my handsome face. I joked. I looked under my bathroom cabinet and grabbed some bandages. I wrapped it around my wrists to my hands.

It's feels weird, Lloyd is always the one who is worried for me and aids me back to health. But I'm doing it by myself. I'm such a baby.

I look back at my reflection to see a pair of green eyes stare back at me. They were teary eyes. It disappeared before I could talk.

What is happening?


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