The first appearance

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Lloyd's POV:

It has been two days since Harumi left. I'm dying of boredom. I already trained all day, keeping me distracted, but now I'm lost..

I walked outside the throne room and closed it."Im going outside for a bit. Do not bother looking for me." I told the guards outside the throne door. I walked ahead of the corridor and grabbed my cloak. Then I walked to the elevator.

It's nice knowing that they installed an elevator in here. It's a quick, easy way to get in and out. I slipped my cloak on and left the elevator. Darkness filled the sky.
I quickly walked through the passage and entered the streets. Lots of people were out, making me camouflage into the crowd.

I looked around until a sign caught my eye. It was my favourite bakery shop. I haven't visited them for a while, and I haven't eaten yet, so I walked towards the shop. I entered seeing only a few people ordering or eating their food on the bakery's tables. I waited in line.

"Hello, may I have one baguette, a chocolate chip cookie, and a chocolate milkshake, please?" I ordered. They nodded and told me to wait for my order. I sat down on one of the empty seats and waited.

"Hello, is it okay if I sit here with you?" A calm voice spoke. Before replying back, I looked to who was speaking. It was Kai. What is he doing here.

"Of course." I said. He sat just across me. I didn't dare look at him. My emotions quickly filled up my insides. I haven't let go of him yet.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I quickly nodded. "Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you?" I noticed one of my strands were out. I quickly tucked it in.

" No, I don't think so."

"Well, what's your name?"He asked. Is he asking me questions because I'm wearing a cloak. Maybe he thinks I'm suspicious.


"Number One-Seven-two" I had to pick up my food. Thank God that saved me. I grabbed my food and sped out of the bakery, but before that could happen. Someone's grabbed my wrist. It was Kai.

"Wait, you haven't told me your nam -" I harshly kicked him in the guts and ran. He yelled a bit , and he started to chase me.. I finally took a breath, and I hid in a street way. Just when I thought it was over, I turned around to see Kai leaning against the wall.

I jumped.

"Don't you know it's rude to hit people and not give them your name?" He said.
I didn't care. I hated him. I summoned some of my Oni power. It swirled round and round. I looked at it and smiled. I threw it to Kai. He couldn't dodge it.

"When you are up to my level, that is when you can have my name." I heard myself speak. I wasn't talking. Was it..
the oni side?

I entered the headquarters with my food and milkshake. I left them on the table.

"Lord Oni." I heard someone say on the screen. Harumi.

"I have a speaker that goes in your ear so we can communicate. It is on the controls." I grabbed it and plugged in my ear.

"Thank you, Harumi."

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