Mr Persuasive

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Kai's POV:

Lloyd decided to leave because he got bored and annoyed of us, I can totally understand. If I were a villain and saw the ninja, I would have already left. Lloyd looked different, though. His uniform. His personality. His eyes, they were blank. They didn't shine anymore.

This is interesting...

Harumi entered the room once again.

"Were you good to Lord Oni?" Harumi asked.

"No, he blasted an energy ball a us!" Cole said. "Isn't it obvious." Harumi started laughing.

"I thought you were ninja, not scaredy cats." The ninjas and I had enough.

"Just let us out of here already!" I yelled loudly that it echoed across the entire room. Harumi wasn't listening.

"What are you saying?" She kept repeating. I stopped and thought for a while. That's it, persuasion.

"Harumi, don't you think you're going too far doing all this for Lloyd's revenge?" Harumi stared at me blankly.
"We know you need to have your own revenge on different people if you help us, then we'll help you."I continued

"A Ninja helping me get revenge. You'll probably have to do bad things. You'll end up in jail if you're not careful enough."She said. It seems to be working.

"She needs to kill him or try to so he can get out of our way." Skylar suddenly said. We looked at her, shocked. Killing someone. Outrageous. And killing Lloyd, that I wasn't expecting...

"Im not falling for that, me Lord Oni's trustworthy advisor. Will never kill him. Don't you see, he is powerful. And when he's more destructive, he can grant whatever you want." Harumi said.

"Please, let's work together."

".. fine, but don't think that we are friends, but before I let you out. I have to kill.. Lloyd,right?" Me and the ninja nodded.

She has to kill Lloyd.


Lloyd Garmadon. That's going to be difficult..

Harumi walked out.

Harumi's POV:

Am I really going to kill my Lord Oni for the sake of my revenge? But I'm his advisor... I'm sorry, my lord,please forgive me for betraying you.

Lloyd's POV:

I heard everything. Harumi is going to turn her back on me when she was the one who offered to help.. what a hopeless little girl.

Harumi then walked out.

"Harumi," I say as I walk to her.

"Oh, my lord. What are you doing here. Aren't you supposed to be in the throne room?" Harumi asked nervously.

"Why? Can't I walk to the throne room with my very trustworthy advisor? I added in the end.

"Of course." Harumi quickly went to my side, and we began to walk to the throne room.

She will regret making that decision..

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